Day in the Life

Oct 13, 1885

Journal Entry

October 13, 1885 ~ Tuesday

13 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I wrote 23 letters to President John Taylor
to Jaques & Bulah Mrs Woodruff was not so well
last night prospect of a chill I read the dispaches today
An arrow saying that 11 to 2 of the Grand Jury voted to clear
A M. Cannon on the 2 Indictment for the same
offence and that Dixen and Varian had resigned
& reported that Gov Murry had & that Judge Zane
was called to Washington Thank God for this
Let us have peace for a Month

A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Mrs Christofferson Jakques & Ensign


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Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Woodruff, Beulah Augusta Beatie
19 Jul 1851 - 13 Jan 1905
261 mentions
Woodruff, Ensign
23 Dec 1865 - 4 May 1955
54 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Letter to John Taylor and George Quayle Cannon, 13 October 1885
St George Presidents John Taylor, & Geo Q. Cannon Beloved Brethren, Your vary kind and interesting Letter of Oct 2 is Received, and Read with much interest. And also your Epistle of Oct 6 to the Saints. I feel that I can say Amen with Every sentiment of my heart, to every principle contained in Either of them. It certainly would have been a satisfaction to me, and I presume It would have been to you to have attended the conference at Logan, but Wisdom Dictated otherwise, and we have to be satisfied. Your position is ownly following in the footsteps of the prophet Joseph in his day. I have felt for a good while that there was a change coming over Zion, over our Nation, and over Great Babylon. And this in order to fulfill the Revelations of Divine truth and to carry out the purposes of the Lord. I cannot but acknowledge the hand of the Lord in the present afflictions of the Latter Day Saints. The persecution of the Righteous by the wicked is a legacy bequeathed to all Saints in Every age of the world and will continue untill Christ reigns on the Earth. And while all the powers of the Earth are combined with the powers of Darkness and of Evil to Destroy the Latter Day Saints from off the Earth it should be a strong testimony to not ownly the Saints but to sinners that the God of Heaven had set his hand to Esstablish his Church and Kingdom on the Earth in righteousness. I have felt at times as though I wanted to get out to meeting and speak to the people in thes southern settlements but there is a Commissioner and several Deputy Marshals appointed in this District and if I get into the hands of my Enemies I should not have the Liberty I now Enjoy. I lost my friend William Squire with whom I have spent most of my time for 7 months. He was sick 10 days. I Blessed him a short time before He di[e]d and bid him good by He was a true and faithful Latter Day Saint and a good friend to me, and gave me a good home. I Received a letter from My Daughter Bulah saying her Mother (Phebe W) had met with a serious accident walking in the Evening with a lighted Lamp caught her foot in the carpet, fell her whole length struk her head against the base board, cut a long gash in her head, ^Dr^ Anderson had sown it ^up^ I Judge she is quite badly hurt. I also learned that Sarah D. youngest child was vary sick with Typhoid fever, but I have to leave these things all in the hands of the Lord and my friends. My Health is vary good at present I get freequent letters from the camp of the Saints in Mexico they seem quite Disappointed that they have no land to settle upon, as they are in the midst of thieves who steal them their Horses, Harness, Plough & Crops &c Dear Brethren I thank ^you^ for your Kindness to me in a temporel point of view That the blessings of health, strength, & freedom may Rest uppon you, and that the Inspiration of the Almighty may Rest upon you is the prayer of your Brother in the Gospel W. Woodruff


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Oct 13, 1885