Day in the Life

Oct 24, 1885

Journal Entry

October 24, 1885 ~ Saturday

24 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters today to Leslie W Snow &
Mrs A Christofferson Asahel leaves Liverpool today for home


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions


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Letter to Leslie Woodruff Snow, 24 October 1885
St George My Dear Leslie Your Letter of Oct 14 is before me And I seat myself this morning to Answer it I hope your way may be opened in a financial point of view to graduate & get through It seems as though circumstances with me ^are^ of such a Nature that I am kept Ground down to the Last Dollar when I ought to have means on hand all of my Rents have stoped Except Brixon and a Lawyer had to be employed to stir him up I still have $207 taxes & $100 [instance] to pay this fall which I could have paid Well Enough if It had not Been for Bulahs affairs She still owed $300 on that Note of Shears which was in the hands of a Lawyer and had got to Mortgage her place to Borrow that money and Grand Ma wrote me to get the money for her & save her Mortgaging her House which I did do & had to Borrow a part of it from the bank but they did[n't] tell me how much. Leslie I have had the hardest work to Learn from any of my family about my temporal business of any thing I Ever under took I can get No one to tell me how much they Receive or how much they pay out I have never known how much Rent was Recd in April, May, June July or Aug or what Became of it I got the Aco[un]t of Sept. This matter has been unpleasant to me We get No Rent from Any one ownly Brixens & he is forced to it by a Lawyier. If I could get my Rent I could Loan you some but being away from home I cannot attend to my business I should have had some $70 from my wool this spring And I have never been able to get one word from Bishop Crane upon the subject this summer though I have written him several


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Oct 24, 1885