Day in the Life

Dec 17, 1885

Journal Entry

December 17, 1885 ~ Thursday

17 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I wrote to Presidents Taylor & Cannon upon the
Y.M.M.I Association I spent the day & night at the farm


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2259 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1954 mentions


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Letter to John Taylor and George Quayle Cannon, 17 December 1885
Salt Lake City, . Presidents John Taylor and George Q. Cannon. Dear Brethren— There is a subject that I feel it my duty to write upon. Brother Thatcher has sent me his correspondence with you upon the subject of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations. I have read his letter and your answer, also his reply to the same, and I have tried to carefully study them all, and I must say there are some things in yours and Brother Cannon's letter that I am surprised at, and as the Superintendent of the Young Men's Institutions, I feel it my duty to reply to it. In the first place, permit me to say that while I view all earth and hell, including our own government, in every department, with priests, editors, wicked men, and devils all combined to crush us, as the Church and kingdom of God on earth, with all our institutions, as far as they have the power; while I view this at our doors, and know that nothing can save us but the power of God, I feel that the Twelve Apostles should have the most implicit confidence in the First Presidency of the Church, and
Letter to John Taylor and George Quayle Cannon, 17 December 1885
[end of sideways text] Salt Lake City Dec. 17 [18]85 Presidents John Taylor and Geo. Q. Cannon Dear Bretheren; Your letter of Dec 7th is received and I took the first opportunity to meet with bro's. Richards, Lyman Grant and Taylor and laid before them your instructions. And had copies made of your letter for each of them and one for H. S. Eldredge with whom I had an interview and as the first Presidents of the Seventies hold weekly meetings at Bro. Eldredges house I thought they might do something in aiding the matter, and the Twelve who are free are immediately going to visite the different stakes for the purpose of carrying out your instructions. I approve of your views in calling for volunteers to settle those places instead of forcing men to go as missionaries. What success they will have in this matter time must determine, but I think the winter is a very bad time to travel over that route. I hardly think sutch a company of men could be got together to go before spring. My present health is good
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
Dec 17 [FIGURE] wrote to Phebe


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Dec 17, 1885