Day in the Life

May 19, 1886

Journal Entry

May 19, 1886 ~ Wednesday

19 We left the farm at 1.30 in the Morning and arived
at Hardys ranch at daylight & took Breakfast then with
hard Labor we reached the f summit at Noon we drove
over vary rough Roads to parley Park & Pitched our tent west of
Kimballs we had 3000 lbs one 3 inch waggon with ourselves
in 7 in Number. Distance of the day 24 miles


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
May 19 We left the farm at 1:30 with 1 3 inch waggon with 3000 lbs an with all in we went up parly Canyn & took Breakfast at Hardy we had a hard time in reaching the sim summat we had 3 Horses the crreek was High we Drove to parleys park Near kimball & camped for the the ch[an]ge of water gave us all the Diahree I v[er]y tired all night we took a cow
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
with us which was the a good Deal of trouble th but [dig] she would not Lead but hung back untill the roap cut into her head we then put the roap around her neck & she Lead Better we pitched our tent for the night Distance of the day 24 Miles

May 19, 1886