Day in the Life

Jun 10, 1886

Journal Entry

June 10, 1886 ~ Thursday

10 we broke camp drove to Deer Creek & Nooned we met
on the way 1000 Head of cattle that the Hearders were driving
from Currant Creek to Strawbury valley we had quite a
Job to get through them 4 young calves lost the heard
run like Deer into the Mountains 4 Horsemen followed
them & Larrieted them & draged them by the neck &


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
10 Thursday We Broke camp Drove to Deer Creek & Nooned on the way we met a Herd of 1000 Head of cattle we had a quite a Job to get through them some 3 or 4 yo[un]g calves got Lost from the Heard & 3 of the cow boys was chases them over the Hills th[e]y rane Like Deer 2 Men followed one calf a Mile ovr the Hills & surrounded him & Draged him on the ground by the Neck untill He looked as though He was Dead we went up the Currant Creek & camped Distance 16 Miles

Jun 10, 1886