Day in the Life

Jun 17, 1886

Journal Entry

June 17, 1886 ~ Thursday

^17. we drove to the Uinta River & camped^
night distance of the day 28 Miles

The U S Marshal of Ashley camped on the opposite side
of the Road


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Letter to Albert David Hagar, 17 June 1886
Salt Lake City, Utah, Albert D. Hager, Esq., Sec. Chicago Historical Society Dear Sir—Yours of May 1 was received, but in consequence of the unsettled state of the things in this territory, owing to the crusade upon the Mormon people by federal officers, it was overlooked for a time. Mr. A. B. Deming made no arrangement with me to have any publications forwarded to you, or to the Chicago Historical Society. Possibly he made some arrangement with some other party. We have no books belonging to this office which I could send you, that I am aware of, with the exception of the "Mormon Women's Protest," which has been published for distribution, and of which I mail you a copy. The "Deseret News" office, and the "Juvenile Instruc- tor office, are the two offices where Latter-day-Saint works are published in this city. They have a number of works on hand, and would be pleased to furnish you with lists. Regretting that I cannot answer you more satisfactorily, I remain, Respectfully Yours, W. Woodruff. Per J. J.

Jun 17, 1886