Day in the Life

Jun 25, 1886

Journal Entry

June 25, 1886 ~ Friday

25 An arrow This was one of the most strange Histories of a
days travel that I Ever Experienced on Horsback in my life
we left the Lake and started on our return Journey to
the Mill we followed back to our camping place on the
night of the 23. we then took the trail of 3 Men Thomas Davis
Wm Wall & W Hollinger who had gone to the Mill the Day before
And No Eye hath seen nor Ear heard Neither hath it
Entered into the heart of Man to conceive of such a road as
that trail lead us this day we followed the trail down a Mountain
for near a Mile so steep & rocky that we had to go a head of
the Horses & roll the rocks out of the road so thay could get a
foot Hold we had to lead them by the bit step by step to keep
them from falling to keep them from falling down the Mountain
for 1000 feet and being Dashed to peaces it seemed a Miricle
that our Horses were not killed & ourself also I fell twice &
stood a chance to have broaken my limb & when we got into the
Bottom of the Canyon then we had to travel through fallen timber
the Horses had to Jump Logs near 3 feet high amid thick
brush & rocks & turn Evry point of compass and it rained
untill all the Brush & grass was wet so we in walking & leading
our Horses was wet to our middle we traveled in this way
untill night & knew not whare [we] were and concluded we
would have to camp for the night in the Midst of this fallen timber


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
25 Friday we packed up to return to the Mill I pen[ne]d some in the Late night & some to day we ret[urne]d to our former camp then we took the trail or [track] of 3 Men Thomas Davis Wm Wall & W Hollinger & I dont think any Ey[e] Evr saw or Ear Heard or Hart con[cei]ved of such a road as we travelled [dis[tance] the d[a]y in day]
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
to follow the trail we went Down Mount[ai]ns so steep we had to Leed them step by stept & clear the rock [less] [the] so they could take a step at a time without falling & going Down the Mount[ai]n 1000 feet & Being Dashed to peices it was a Miricl[e] that our Horses were not killed & ourselves also & when we got into the Bottom of the canyon then our Horses had to jump fallen Timber & Brush & rocks untill it seemed as though they would be crippled and after [hiking] all day in this condition in the middle of rain & had though long Lost not knowing where we were we thought we would have to camp
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
for the night in the [bottm] of this [mine] canyon as we did not know whe[re] we were we finally climb[ed] a high Mount[ai]n or Bluff & we saw the ridges Leeding to Brother Daviss Mill & we followed the ridges Down to his house and ar[rive]d before Dark all tired out Man & Beast & not to our Mistake we felt thankful that we were alive & our Horses not cripled we probely traveled 15 Miles Dis[tance] the d[a]y 40 [got 6 left] it would [have] much easier to have g[o]n[e] 40 in a good road Sister Davis got us a warm supper.

Jun 25, 1886