Day in the Life

Aug 1, 1886

Journal Entry

August 01, 1886 ~ Sunday

Aug 1. Sunday we spent the day resting with Bishop Jensen
Keys crossed we administered to Sister Jenson who was sick
& his daughter who was Def & dumb


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Religious – Dreams and Visions 1874–1886
in Springville, as related by himself. I retired to rest about 9 o'clock in the evening. In a short time I drowsed off to sleep, and it seemed as if the spirit of my dead wife was hovering 'round about me. Suddenly I awoke and sleep departed from me, and the vision of my mind was opened, and I beheld the members of the Senate of the United States, while in session, they were hurled from the Hall by an unseen power; they rallied again, and the second time were thrown from the the Hall; they rallied the third time, and were again thrown from the Hall with such violence that a great number of them were killed; all those that remained alive had the name of Edmunds printed in their foreheads. Next I saw a whirlwind commence in the centre of the House of Representa- tives, which increased until it frightened all the mem- bers out of the House, and they then scattered to various parts of the United States, and the inhabitants of the city of Washington became frightened, and scattered, un- till the city became almost desolate. Then I saw a great tumult commence all over the United States, which ended in a great deal of blood being shed, and a great many of the people that had heard our Elders preach, and had believed what they had heard, but had not had the courage to embrace the Gospel when they heard it, gathered up what little effects they could take with them,
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
Aug 1. Sunday We spent the day with Bishop to rest I administered to Sister Jens Jensen & his Daughter who was Def & Dumb

Aug 1, 1886