Day in the Life

Sep 3, 1886

Journal Entry

September 03, 1886 ~ Friday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Sarah & spent the day reading


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 3 September 1886
Clara Salt Lake City Sept 3. Dear Pa:— I had just been home a few moments from attending Sister Pratt's funeral, when your letter came we were all very glad to hear from you once more & that you was in good hea- lth & spirits. The funeral was one long to be remembered by every one present. It was perfectly pitiful to see them poor children left without anyone to flook after them, but still Sister Pratt is so much better off where she is. The speakers were Bro's O. F. Whit- ney, Musser, W. Burton & M. W. Pratt. they all addressed the people very interestingly & every thing was nice & lovely.

Sep 3, 1886