Day in the Life

Sep 24, 1886

Journal Entry

September 24, 1886 ~ Friday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Lot Smith & B Y Duffin


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Duffin, Brigham Fielding
30 Mar 1858 - 18 Feb 1940
25 mentions
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions

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Letter to John Taylor and George Quayle Cannon, 23 September 1886

Salt Lake City, Utah, better, especially yours. I thought I would take the first oppor- tunity to notify you that I was in the county, so that if there was any item of business of any kind that I could per- form of any interest to the kingdom of God while here I wish to do it. I came very quietly through the count^r^y. None know of my coming, except a few safe individuals where we stopped. The Temple opened again on the 15th. Now, dear brethren, I want to lay before you my feelings. I have never felt better in my life, in spirit, than to-day. I have been blessed, as you have, with bodily health and strength to a good old age. We have both been preserved in life while the prophets and apostles and thousands of the Saints have been called into the spirit world, for the Lord has taken whom he would take, and preserved in life whom he would preserve. I have been trying to get ready when called to go. As to the infirmities of the body, I expect them, I have them. As to the infirm-

Letter to John Taylor and George Quayle Cannon, 23 September 1886

Salt Lake City, Utah, and the fallen angels and the earth beneath on the other. The devil is ruling over his kingdom and is making a desperate strug- gle to overcome the kingdom of God and its Christ. But they cannot prevail. Here is the patience and faith of the Saints and they that keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus. [Revelation 14:12] It certainly is beginning to be a trying time to the Saints of God. But if we had no trials, in our day, of our faith, we would hardly be at home with the ancient Saints, who were persecuted and martyred for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Whatever weakness we may have as pertaining to our flesh, we certainly ought not to be afraid to lay down our lives for the Gospel's sake if required, and I hope and pray that we may all be prepared for whatever afflictions the Lord has ordained us to pass through. I have been asked a number of times if I could tell where the October Conference would be held. I have answered that I

Letter to John Taylor and George Quayle Cannon, 23 September 1886

Salt Lake City, Utah, to protect you from all your enemies, and reveal unto you every evil and enemy that lie in your path, and with my love and blessing upon your heads, to the extent of my power, I remain Your brother in the Kingdom of patience, W. Woodruff. Per J. J.

Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)

24 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters to Lot Smith & B Y. Duffins

Sep 24, 1886