Day in the Life

Nov 6, 1887

Journal Entry

November 06, 1887 ~ Sunday

6 Sunday my cold still affects me Ella & Wilford Beatie
visited me to day Wm H Palmer preached
in the Farmers ward on the gathering of Israel


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Beatie, Florence Estella
20 Mar 1876 - 10 Nov 1949
14 mentions
Beatie, Wilford Woodruff
20 Dec 1872 - 2 Oct 1964
39 mentions

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Letter from Moroni Dunford, 6 November 1887
President Woodruff, Dear Brother, In answer to the call I will say I am ready & ^i^f nothing happens I will be there in due time. Yours truley Moroni Dunford. Wm Hulme Bishop
Letter from Morris Jenkins Martell, 6 November 1887
Spanish Fork City President Woodruff Dear Sir I intend if possible to be redy by the fifteenth according to appointment Yours truely Morris J Martell George D Snell Bishop
Letter from Unknown, 6 November 1887
Logan. President W Woodruff Dear Brother: In accordance with the desires and resolution of the members of the High Council of Cache Stake of Zion, we send report of the proceedings in Council Meeting assembled on the evening of Novr 5th 1887. Presdt G. O. Pitkin after submitting a letter received from Bro H K Cranney (requesting to be released from his duties as a member of the High Council) stated that he was willing to release Bro Cranney, in consideration of his advanced age, and circumstances. Motion made and sustained: That Bro H K Cranney be honorably released from the High Council of this Stake of Zion. Presdt G O Pitkin also requested the Council to release Bro George Barber from his duties as a member of the Council, seeing that he had removed into Mexico, and consequently was unable to meet with them, and his absence would probably be for some years It was moved and adopted: That Bro' Geo' Barber be honorably released from the High Council of this Stake of Zion.


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Nov 6, 1887