Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1887

Journal Entry

November 16, 1887 ~ Wednesday

16 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I signed 12 Recommends. I receivd 16 Letters
I wrote 13 Public Letters, 7 Private to Phebe, Jaques, Cottam
Winder, Legrand Young, Preston, Emma Keys crossed We held Private
council concerning our Affairs we finally council the
Brethren to accept of the proposition of $1 a Month for
the possession of the Temple Block I spent the night at
Wm W Riters


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1029 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
345 mentions
Cottam, Thomas
20 Oct 1820 - 10 Nov 1896
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908


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Letter to Thomas and Caroline Smith Cottam, 16 November 1887
Salt Lake U. T. Beloved Brother and Sister Cottam I received your Kind Letter of Nov. 11 & read it with much interest and while I have a few moments Breathing spell I will scribble a few lines I was thankful to learn that Grand Ma was able once more to go around her House & do so much more work again, but the Danger is doing to much work I have Suffered a good Deal for near a month with a severe cold on my Lungs it has made me sick at times but I am soul better Now We are in the Midst of the Boiling pot Marshal Dyer has taken possession of our Temple Block, Tithing Office & other property and we are doing the best we can in the Matter. Emma has gone to provo to visit Clara who is quite sick again
Letter from George Teasdale, 16 November 1887
My beloved, brother: I sit down to have another chat with you having the privilege of doing all the talking myself, but how much I would prefer to look you in the face and have you talk back to me. But I mut content myself to have you in my imagination and do all the talking until in the kindly providences of our heavenly Father we shall strike hands and enjoy each others presence and listen to each others voice as in the happy days gone bye and when we shall walk together in the Courts of the Tem- ple of our God and officiate in His sacred ordinances as in days of old. Do you remember, my beloved brother, when you laid your hands upon my head, under the inspiration of the Almighty, and sealed upon my head the right to officiate in the or- dinances of the House of the Lord. As the remembrance of those joyful days come over me my heart is full of thanksgiving and tears of joy force themselves into my eyes. I would not tell you so only I know you will not think me weak and foolish because you can appreciate these feelings and the joy we have in the knowledge one will yet officiate in these Holy houses together for the redemption of our dead and the recsidue of the children of God. We have only


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Nov 16, 1887