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Day in the Life

Nov 18, 1887

Journal Entry

November 18, 1887 ~ Friday

18 [FIGURES] I spent the day at Br Riter I signed 27 Recomm[ends]
I receivd 18 Letters 12 Public, 6 private I wrote 10 letters
8 public 2 Private I went with G Q Cannon to Brother
Whites & Blessed his Grand child I then had an interview with
Legrand Young on our Government Suit I then went
to the farm & spent the night 4 Miles


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1966 mentions
Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921
54 mentions
6 mentions
14 mentions


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Letter from Oliver Boardman Huntington, 18 November 1887
Springville Utah President W. Woodruff and Council of the Twelve Apostles. Dear Brethren. For the Receipt of $80.00 to the Pisgah Monument, I am thankful to you and My Heavenly Father. The Registered letter contain- ing the money was sent to Spanishfork instead of Springville where it remained until yesterday when I received a Postal from P. M. giving me information of the Registered letter. Since writing to you


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Nov 18, 1887