Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1887

Journal Entry

December 20, 1887 ~ Tuesday

Dec 20th 1887
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I signed 6 Recommends I receivd 12 Letters
I wrote Letters 6 public & Private to Jaques
Ensign I sent Marion $20 & wrote him a letter


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Woodruff, Ensign
23 Dec 1865 - 4 May 1955
54 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Woodruff, Marion
1 Jun 1861 - 5 Feb 1946
50 mentions

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Letter to Marion Woodruff, 20 December 1887

Salt Lake U. T. Dear Marion I received your Letter of the 11 But I had no money at the time you wrote I Borrowed the Money that I paid your Mother for the cupboard and for Ensign But I have now got $20 which I send you concerning your seeing me I will say I would be glad to see you and will Endeavor to as soon as I can have an opportunity But my cituation is such that I cannot leave my call upon me in the Daytime I spend my time in private families and all my travelling and visitations have to be in the night And I have so much Church business and with so many Men that may persue have waited a week in S L City to spend on

Letter from Warren Snow Peacock, 20 December 1887

Molen Ward Dec. 20, 1887 Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro in reply to your letter recived Dec. 13, 1884 Concerning a Mishion Witch I am rqequested requested to fill: realising the position witch I hold I am willing to fill the Mishion the best I can in my weak way putting my trust in the Lord for I am not capibel within my selph of preforming sutch a Mishion with out the aid and the blessings of the Lord I have laid my case before the peaple and if they can rase the means to fit me out I will be there at the

Letter from Karl Krauth, 20 December 1887

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Br About 3 years ago I was excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, for the crime of [redacted text], from that time to the present I have had no peace of mind or rest from the effects of my sin. I have sorely repented of my sin and have sought many times to be rebaptised into the church but it seems that my crime was of such a nature that I had to suffer. Last Sundayaturday I saw Pres Angus Cannon and again pressed my case on his notice, he told me to write to you and lay the matter as plainly before you as possible. I wish to do this and ask forgiveness for my sin, and that

Letter from Gleason Filmore Lewis, 20 December 1887

Corry, Penn'a, New York, Sir There is a feeling growing and could & should be enlightened that the hugh & cry against Mormonism is not honest But a trick to unite churches first against a weak & unpopular sect then against all who do not subscribe to the support of Priests It is thot this is the true inwardness of the Evangelical alliance, hugh & cry, about the sacred sunday &c Be good enough to send papers—and all inform ation you can giveing your side of the Question also advise who I could get the best information from at Washington or New Yo[r]ke. Respectfully G. F. Lewis

Dec 20, 1887