Day in the Life

Aug 16, 1888

Journal Entry

August 16, 1888 ~ Thursday

16 A hand pointing to the right I signed 81 Recommends. I received 40 Letters I wrote
22 Letters 21 Public & 1 to Phebe A Snow & sent her $5
I had an interview with Dr Leslie W Snow, Jaques & Stewart


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions

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Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 16 August 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, . President J. D. T. McAllister, St. George. Dear Brother: I have received a very interesting letter from you, under date of the 27th. of July, giving me a description of your labors and of the work that you laid out for yourself and counselors to do in the various Wards of the Stake. I am glad to see you so active in the performance of your duties, and I have no doubt the good effect of your visits will be visible among the Saints. There never was a time scarcely when the people needed visiting and preaching to more than they do at the present, so many of the leading men of the Church being prevented by the restraints under which they are laboring from traveling among the Saints as they formerly did. I shall be glad to hear from you the results of your trips. I have received a communication from Bishop Jones, of Pine Valley, concerning their meeting-house. They have applied for help. Our circumstances are such at present that we cannot extend it. Some weeks ago the Council of the Apostles found it necessary to stop making appropriations


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 16, 1888