Day in the Life

Aug 18, 1888

Journal Entry

August 18, 1888 ~ Saturday

18 I spent the forenoon hoeing & watering and the
Afternoon in reading

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Letter from Joseph Rawson, 18 August 1888
Plain city President W. Woodruff Dear brother i recived the call to fill a mission to great Britain i am willing to go and will be ready by oct 10th i remain your brother in the Gospel of Christ Joseph. Rawson Geo. W. Bramwell Jr Bp Plain City Ward
Letter from William Spry, 18 August 1888
Chattanooga, Tenn., . President Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: I arrived here last night feeling well, and for the first time learned of the death of Elder Edmond Z. Taylor. The intel- ligence was painful in the extreme, for he was a noble young man, and an earnest worker in spreading the gospel. His illness was of short duration, the cause of death being malarial fever, or at least is so supposed to be by his brethren and others who attended him. I was much pleased with the prompt action taken by Bro's Stookey and Roundy, in preparing the body for shipment. Everything was done to facilitate the same, and it left this city yesterday morning in charge of Elder John C. Harper.


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Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Aug 18, 1888