Day in the Life

Sep 25, 1888

Journal Entry

September 25, 1888 ~ Tuesday

Sept 25 1888
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I signed 16 recommends I received 12 Letters
I wrote 5 public Letters I went to the Gordo spent the night
Keys crossed I had an interview with my cousin R M Thompson
His Father was Brother to My Mother Bulah Thompson
I had not seen any of the family for 38 years before


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Woodruff, Bulah Thompson
22 Apr 1783 - 11 Jun 1808
76 mentions
Thompson, Cyrus Dean
26 Jun 1794 - 26 Jun 2024
5 mentions


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Letter from Carlos Rasmussen, 25 September 1888
Salina Pres. Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 18th notifying me of the call of a Mission to the Southern States came duly to hand, and in reply will say, that I shall make my arra- ngements to start from Salt Lake City on the 6th day of Nov. next. Your Bro in the Gospel Carlos Rasmusen Salina Sevier Co Utah James S Jensen Bp Salina Ward
Letter from Edward Martin Perkins, 25 September 1888
Franklin Idaho Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have succeeded in raising the money to take me to my missionary field of labor and wil leave Salt Lake Oct. 10 according to appointment verry respectfully your Brother in the Gospel E M Perkins L. L. Hatch Bp.

Sep 25, 1888