Day in the Life

Oct 8, 1888

Journal Entry

October 08, 1888 ~ Monday

8 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I signed 10 Recommends. I received 10 Letters. I
wrote 5 Letters 3 Pub[lic] & to Thompson & Bell. I spent
the Evening at Br Richards with Col Broadhead
who with his wife took cars for St Louis at 11 oclock
Keys crossed A crown This 8th day of Oct is an interesting day to us
as our case has gone through the supreme court of this
Territory and been carried up to the supreme court
of the United States for final settlement which has been
a hard struggle for us to get done


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Letter to Ira Nathaniel Hinckley, 8 October 1888
Prest. I. N. Hinckley, Fillmore. Dear Brother: I have much pleasure in forwarding you an Order on your Stake for $50000, which amount has been appropriated by the Church Board of Education to aid you in the payment of the salary of the principal of your Academy. With kind regards Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff Chairman of Church Board of Education.
Letter to William Budge, 8 October 1888
Prest. W. Budge, Paris, Idaho, Dear Brother: Enclosed please find an Order on the Tithing Department of your Stake for $50000. This amount has been appropri- ated by the Church Board of Education to aid you in payment of the salary of the Principal of your Academy, and I have now much pleasure in forwarding it. With kind regards, Your Brother. Wilford Woodruff Chairman of Church Board of Education.
Letter from Arthur Stayner, 8 October 1888
[sideways text]: Arthur Stayner, Salt Lake City Recd Oct 8 [18]88. ans Oct 1^1^0 [18]88 Referred to the Council file [end of sideways text] Salt Lake City Oct 8, 1888 Prest Woodruff and Members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Dear Brethren Earnestly and respectfully I ask you to reconsider your action upon the matter of requesting Bro Amos Howe to visit the Sugar Works at Fort Scott, Kansas. The corroborative testimony and report of such a man as Bro Howe on what he would see there would be of invaluable assistance in laying this important industry before the business men of the community, and his making his report to you and your giving per- mission to use it would really constitute all the responsibility that would be consequent upon the appoint- ment, unless the representations made by him should influence you to take some willing part in the inaugu- ration and direction of this truly great enterprise. But a few days remain in which the visit of Bro Howe can be made during the season of manu-

Oct 8, 1888