Day in the Life

Oct 16, 1888

Journal Entry

October 16, 1888 ~ Tuesday

16 I spent the day hunting ducks and fishing we got 3 trout
Brother Alfred Solomons got 24 ducks Beebe 7, Bateman 3
W. 1, the Boys 6, total 38.


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Solomon, Alfred
10 Sep 1836 - 17 Apr 1921
Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions

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Letter from Andrew J. Stewart, 16 October 1888

New York, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro: I enclose herewith a copy of our proposition and plan for pur- chasing the Corralitos Company's stock and land in Mexico, and a copy of our letters to our friends in relation thereto; also the working and management as far as our plans are matured, provided we fully consummate the contract. One thing I will call your attention to is that we have the selling of any part of these lands and make Deeds by paying eighty per cent. of the money issued to reduce the debt which secures the purchases and the Company. Another particular—and the greatest—is the titles which have been examined by the best attorneys in New York, Mexico and Utah, and been decided perfect. In making our settlements we want the best location in the district which I have no doubt this one is. Our proposition and plan are here submitted to you for your consideration. Any sug- gestions you may think will be for our general good will be thank- fully received. I will consider it a great favor to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Your Brother in the Gospel, Andrew J. Stewart P.S.—Watson of the Co-op has a copy of our Company papers, etc.

Letter from Andrew J. Stewart, 16 October 1888

New York, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Sir:— Since sending you our plan of working the Corralitos Company in Mexico, I have obtained very low rates for excursionists, emi- grants and freight from Utah to Mexico; also very low rates from Europe. In considering the Corralitos Corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, its advantages to us as a peo- ple, it will give us great influence here in New York, Europe, Utah as well as in Mexico. Its present influence is known all over the country. Buying it quietly, we get all its franchises; it puts us in a position that we can enlarge our borders and extend our setttlements; it gives us possession of that great country which will make such a stronghold; there is no telling what we may accomplish. We need not sell but a small portion of stock, but sell land to our people to make our payments; that will put us in circumstances that we can buy more land to attach to it, and increase our settlements and stock and ranches. We do not want to confine outr settlements on some small insignificant pieces of land all around the Corralitos property and make it worth from 25 to $100 per acre, and then have to buy it, which we would in set- tling up the country according to our proposition. We can sell

Letter from Andrew J. Stewart, 16 October 1888

New York President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City THE CORRALITOS COMPANY Owns the heart of the valley through which runs the Corralitos river in Mexico, about 120 miles S.W. of El Paso; it is on an elevation of some 6,000 feet, just East of the Sierra Madra mountains which protect it from the severe Westerly winds, and renders it one of the most delightful of climates, never very cold or very warm; no better cli- mate for residence, and for all kinds of fruit can be found; wheat and corn and all like products can be raised there in great perfection; three crops of Alfalfa a year can be made there. This company owns about 800,000 acres of choice agricultural lands on both sides of the river; about 30 miles along the river by 15 miles wide. Water is found in great abundance on this land for wells at a depth of 7 to 20 feet, and the largest portion can be reached by Canals from the river above. This Company has been engag- ed in mining and cattle raising; it now proposes to sepa- rate the mining and cattle sections, creating a new Company which can be done without injury to the valley or agricul- tural portion of the property comprising some 350,000 acres, on this property is the beautiful jhacienda of Corralitos and extentsive improvements; with many ordinary buildings on the property which will probably afford shelter for 100 families until better ones can be constructed; adobe structures can be erected there with very little expense; an extract from the report of a gentlemen was examined this property in 1882 is appended herewith. The Corralitos Company has an established reputation in Northern Mexico it

Daybook (July - November 1887 and April - October 1888)

16 spent the day Hunting Ducks & fishing we got 3 trout & chub Br So Alfred Solomon got 24, Beebe 7 the Boys 6 Bateman 8 W W 1 total 38 Ducks

Oct 16, 1888