Day in the Life

Nov 1, 1888

Journal Entry

November 01, 1888 ~ Thursday

November 1, 1888
A hand pointing to the right I signed 42 Recommends. I received 20 letters
I wrote 7 Letters 5 Pub & to Jack & Jaques I spent
the Evening with James Sharp family


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Sharp, James
18 Nov 1843 - 7 May 1904
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900

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Circular to the President of the YMMIA in wards, 1 November 1888
Salt Lake City, . President Y.M.M.I.A., [blank] Ward: Dear Brother:—We are pleased to announce that the preparation of the First Year's Series of the M.I.A. Course of Reading has so far progressed that orders will now be received for the books, which will be ready for delivery between the 20th and 30th of the present month. In requesting the co-operation of yourself and fellow-officers to introduce this Course of Reading, we feel assured that you will appre- ciate the object had in view, and will cheerfully do what you can reasonably to insure the success of the enterprise. If by this movement we can induce a large number of our young people to spend a portion of their time, this winter, in reading and studying, we will reap a rich reward in the mental and moral improvement that will surely follow among them. We have authorized the issue of three thousand sets of these books, and believing that the labor attending their preparation and publica- tion could be most appropriately and satisfactorily performed by the Contributor Company, we assigned this duty to Elder Junius F. Wells, its Manager, and he has succeeded, under our immediate counsel and direction, thus far, to our satisfaction. We therefore refer you to him for all information relating to the business of the publication, and trust you will, in your Association, do your part towards disposing of and securing readers for the present edition. Your brethren and fellow laborers, WILFORD WOODRUFF, JOSEPH F. SMITH, MOSES THATCHER, General Superintendency, Y.M.M.I.A.
Letter from Charles Innes Robson, 1 November 1888
Zenos, Maricopa Co., Arizona, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother since my arival home, I find that some of the Brethern that I refered to when I was in the City that could not live hear and enjoy good health are very anxious that some one come and buy them out Bro Daniel Bagley has 40 Acres of well improved Land consisting of 28 Acres of vines 5 Acres of Peach Orchard 5 Acres of pasture or Hay Land a small dwelling house a good wine cellar and three Water rights in Mesa Canall for which he asks $600000 It is all enclosed with a wire fence In conversation with Bro A. F. Mac- donald he feeles that his hands are tied, that all he has is invested here in this place and that he wont sell to an outsider and their is none of the Saints that want to purchase they all having all the property they neede His Wife Fanny Vancoott is in Mexico


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Nov 1, 1888