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Day in the Life

Nov 10, 1888

Journal Entry

November 10, 1888 ~ Saturday

10 I spent most of the day choring I attended a Board
Meeting of ZCMI at the store in the Evening 6 M[iles]


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Letter from Joseph Don Carlos Young, 10 November 1888
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: I am desirous of obtaining some information in regard ^to^ simple matters. There is nothing in the building or in the drawings which I have in the office that indicate the exact position of the Basement floor. I think it would be well to keep it as low as possible on account of the little hight we have for the creation and Garden rooms. To do this it will neccssitate cutting out the threshold of some of the door-way. Also on the third floor there is no way of passing from the creation room into the main building. As this is the floor where are located the small int "circle rooms" this seems very inconvenient. However, this seems very easily overcome as you can soon cut a dor -way through should it meet your approval. It is very much to be regretted that circumstances present you from visiting the building occasionally as I could then give you a better idea of these questions. Very Respectfully I remain Don Carlos Young


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Nov 10, 1888