Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1888

Journal Entry

November 16, 1888 ~ Friday

16 I signed 19 Recommends I received 13 Letters I wrote
to G. Q. C. I went to the farm and spent the Night


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions


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Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 16 November 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah. . President J. D. McAllister. St. George: Dear Brother: Your letter of oct. 31st, pertaining to the Washington Factory, came duly to hand and was referred to the Council of the Apostles. Upon their action it was decided that the credit of $5549.77, now on your books be transferred to the Presiding Bishop's Office, Salt Lake City, to be drawn on orders sent through them. They will send you an order for $2000.00 in goods to be placed in the hands of the Bishop's Agent at St. George to be drawn upon. In making this transfer it will be necessary for you to do so in a manner that will appear proper on your books in taking it from the credit of the trustee-in-Trust. With kind regards, Your Brother, W Woodruff
Letter from William Spry, 16 November 1888
Chattanooga, Tenn., . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: Your favor of the 7th inst. enclosing check for $268/00 I found awaiting my arrival from the S. Ala conference. Please accept my thanks for the same. I very much regret the condition of Bro Pugmire's remains upon the arrival at Ogden, for upon the assurances of the em- balmers I was led to believe that nothing unpleasant would attend the shipment. I shall call on him and mention the matter. Up to date the fate of Elder Richards still remains a mystery. On my trip into Miss we found some clue at the town of Meridian, from which it seems evident that he reached thus far on his journey into Ala, his destination being but little more
Letter to George Quayle Cannon, 16 November 1888
Dear Brother Addy. Brother R. handed me your note this morning. In reply will say I supposed you under stood perfectly well the situation of all papers and documents in the Historian's Office how they were disposed of there was no time to list or itemize them or anything in that office when they were removed. It would have taken three clerks four days to have listed what was removed from that office, and we expected every hour for the officers to seize and the work was not done any too soon. Now the facts are there was 100 pidgeon holes full of papers and they were put by the bushel into larger boxes with other things without any listing whatever. There are three tons of those boxes and you know the house where they were deposited and I have tried to get them removed before you went away and I have never been able to do it until within a few days. Brother Jacques is now at work to try and find the papers you want, but it is like looking for a needle in a hay mow, but he will do as fast as he can. If there had been time to have numbered those boxes and named each item it would have been an easy matter to have got at them, but there was no time given for it. Brother Jacques has just come in, He is searching the boxes and has found eight of the papers and given them to Bro. R. this morning. I do not feel to cast any blame upon any one but ourselves in this matter. You know that I have been


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Nov 16, 1888