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Day in the Life

May 29, 1889

Journal Entry

May 29, 1889 ~ Wednesday

29 I signed 25 Recommends I received ^14^ Letters
I wrote 19 Letters 16 public & to Atkin David P W and
Sarah D and sent her $10 spent the night at the farm 6 m


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
217 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
168 mentions
170 mentions


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Letter to William Atkin, 29 May 1889
Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder William Atkin, Dear Brother: Your letter of May 20th is before me. I make it a point to answer all letters as far as I can as they come before me. My health is about as usual, except a severe cold that for a day or two deprived me of speech. Brother Geo. Q. Cannon and myself have been attending conferences of late. We went through Sanpete, attended the conference, and held nine meetings, and one at Nephi. We had full houses, and much interest was manifested. The sectarians, priest and people, attended some of our meetings. We attendod the Tabernacle in this City last Sunday. Brother Geo. Q. Cannon spoke and occupied the time, as I was too hoarse to speak at all. All our crops are quite forward. We have had some fine rains; but it is getting dry again. They are beginning to cut the first crop of lucern. Concerning the Government I can only say that Harrison is showing his hand by appointing such men as Thomas for Governor and Zane for Crhief Justice; and it seems as though he intended to make a clean sweep of all Democrats and put in Republicans in their place. I do not look for much peace in Utah during his reign. The "ring" intend to steal S. L. City at the next election; but it rather looks as though they wont be able to do it. My family are generally well. Remember me kindly to all your family. Emma and Alice wish to be remembered to you. As ever, Your Brother, W. Woodruff
Letter to Marcus LeGrand Young, 29 May 1889
Legrand Young, Esqr. Dear Brother: After I left you I found Bros. F. S. Richards and Geo. Q. Cannon at the office speaking upon that sueing question. They represent that I told you to go ahead and sue Bro Armstrong. Now I do not know as you understood me. My view was that Bro. Armstrong would not compromise and if any body had to be sued that Bro Armstrong should be the first: But the brethren say that Armstrong has not refused to compromise. Now Brother Young, I still think that compromise should be tried before the law. The brethren say that there are men in Farmer's Ward who are opposed to those in the Canyon and say they are not entitled to a drop of water, and


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May 29, 1889