Day in the Life

Aug 1, 1889

Journal Entry

August 01, 1889 ~ Thursday

Aug 1. In company with others I took cars & rode to Logan
and stoped with Moses Thatcher Distance 90 Mils
I visited the Temple in the Afternoon & made arangments
to attend to some Adoptions in the Temple


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Letter from William King, 1 August 1889
Pres Wm King Honolulu Rcd Aug 12 [18]89 Ans Aug 23 [18]89 [end of sideways text] Honolulu Hawaiian Islands Aug 1st 1889 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Many thanks for your favor of June 18th. I take pleasure in informing you that Bro Edwin W. Davis and Wife have been honorbly released having labored faithfuly in their callings. They sail for home tomorrow a 12 m per Steamer Australia. We also forward in charge of Bro Davis the following Hawaiians Kailikea and Wife Pakekepa and four Children Bokew 18 years Kalolii K 15 Kealopoli W 15 Piilani K 4 years the last a grand child the former adopted children. Kalama and Wife Kukakini and child of 18 months nine souls. Bro Kailikea & Waife are amongst ^our best^ Hawaiians. She has been President of the Relief Society in Honolulu over two years and has proven herself a good and faithful Later Day Saint they take with ^them^ a little surpluss money. They have a check for $2000 to assist in buying a home for themselves. I have nothing further to add as I have written by this mail to Prest J F Smith making mention of ^the^ riot and other matters pertaining to the Mission. With Prayers for your welfare. I Subscribe myself your Brother in the Gospel of Christ William King

Aug 1, 1889