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Day in the Life

Sep 15, 1889

Journal Entry

September 15, 1889 ~ Sunday

Sept 15. Sunday We Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclk
for the Dedication of the Paris Tabernacle
[FIGURES] George Q Cannon offered the Dedicatory Prayer
There were near 3000 people present

W Woodruff Spoke 24 Minuts Brother [blank]
spoke T. E. Ricks spoke 8 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 34 Minuts
Afternoon, Brother Brimm Prayed. Brother Budge
spoke 14 M[inutes], G Reynolds spoke 8 M[inutes], James H. Hart
spoke 15 M[inutes], George Osborn spoke 10 M[inutes], G Q Cannon
spoke 15 M[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 25 Minuts {in the power of God}
I signed 58 Recommends spent the time at the
* house of President Budge


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Discourse 1889-09-15
Pres Woodruff said he was very thankful that his life had been spared to attend the Dedication of another house for the worship of God. Father Adam before his death called together his sons and their posterity and gave them a Patriarchal blessing reaching down to the end of time. When we behold the many Temples and Tabernacles which have been erected for the worship of God in the Latterdays it must be pleasing to Adam. These things are pleasing to all the Prophets who have prophecied concerning the day in which we live. He was satisfied the Lord was pleased with it. Inasmuch as we keep the commandments of God His presence will be with us and His power attend us. This is the greatest of all dispensations the Lord has given to man. We of all people have the greatest cause to rejoice to think that we live in this day. We will inherit the Glory, the Laws of which we keep. Good and evil is set before us as with those of our progenitors, and our free agency is given us that we may choose whom we will serve. We are all tempted and will be to the end of time. It will pay us to keep the commandments of God. Trusted that we will be of one heart and mind while we are together.
Discourse 1889-09-15
Pres W. Woodruff, said whenever a watchman is set upon the tower of Zion and he does not give warning when the enemy approaches he will be held to account. Joseph asked the Lord for wisdom and the Lord appeared to him, also His Son Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was ordained to introduce and lay the foundation of this great and mighty work. After he received the manifestations which he had he would have been damned if he had not obeyed the voice of God. He had traveled hundreds of miles with and was well acquainted with the Prophet. This generation has a great debt to pay in shedding the blood of the Prophets. The Jews have had to pay for shedding the blood of the Saviour, they have been in bondage in consequence for hundreds of years. Crime is largely on the increase. There is a thousand murders today where there was one when the Book of Mormon was translated and other crimes have increased in like proportion. Testified that God moved upon Columbus to search out and open up the way to this land. Washington was inspired to do his work and the Declaration of Independence is an inspired document. He was sorry for this great Nation because it will cost them just as much as any other Nation who sheds the blood of the Prophets. What will be the result of these persecutions? The judgements of God are ^and will be^ poured out upon the Nations. He heard Joseph Smiths last speech before his martyrdom who sealed upon the Twelve all the Keys and powers which he then held. Exhorted the Saints to be true and faithful to their covenants.


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Sep 15, 1889