Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1890

Journal Entry

January 31, 1890 ~ Friday

31. I signed 2 Recommends I wrote 1 Letters I received
6 Letters I received 1 Letter from David I met
with the Beck Mine Comp {Not a pleasant meeting}


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
227 mentions

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Letter from Peter Larson, 31 January 1890

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Sir, I received your letter in which you requested me to take a mission to Scandinavia, unless I presented a reasonable excuse. I have postponed answering, thinking perhaps I could arange things so as to accept the call; but I am somewhat in debt, and have both of my sons attending the B. Y. College. I have tried hard to borrow money to pay my debts; but all attempts have failed. Therefore if I could be permited to remain at home a little longer, so that my sons can attend school another term, they

Letter from George Teasdale, 31 January 1890

My beloved Brother Woodruff, Your kind favor of the 8th, inst came to hand and was read with peculiar feelings. All that you intended was fulfilled, and my heart was filled with comfort, and tears of pure joy spontaneously flowed from the effects of my overflowing joy. I honestly felt all I wrote to you. I sup- pose these painful lessons in life are necessary to keep us humble and child- like before the Lord and not get lifted up in the vain imaginations of our own insufficiency. Had Galbraith been what he seemed to be I would have no need to have ever been sorry I gave him a letter of intro- duction to you, any more than the liberty I had taken which I own was not justi- fiable, J. I. H. has been a worry to me indeed and has cost me about one hun- dred and fifty dollars. I did not feel justified in using church money for him, although he wrote me as if he had claim upon it , so I had to make it a personal affair. By all accounts he had had a sorry time. Surely the way of the transgressor is hard. He is hid up somewhere

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash 75 cts 75

Letter to Thomas Edwin Ricks, 31 January 1890

Salt Lake City U.T. . Prest. Thomas E. Ricks, Rexburg. Dear Brother: Elder Richard H. Smith writes us from Rexburg to the effect that he had obtained a recommend from his Bishop to get married in the Temple, but that you had declined to endorse it because he had not paid any tithing, and this was the only fault you to find with him. Brother Smith further represents that he has been living with his father, who is opposed to the gospel, but that when he is married he will pay his tithing. We have al[w]ays deemed it good policy to encourage as much as possible our young people to get married after the proper order, in the Temple; and if this is the only fault [t]hat you have to find with Brother Smith, and you believe he will seek to fulfil [h]is promise, we think it will be entirely proper for you to endorse his recommend. With kind regards, Your Brethrenother, W. Woodruff


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Jan 31, 1890