Day in the Life

Feb 9, 1890

Journal Entry

February 09, 1890 ~ Sunday

Feb 9. Sunday I went to the Tabernacle with 6 of the Twelve
we had a large Assembly W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes],
L Snow 30 M[inutes] John Henry Smith 15 & H J Grant 10 M[inutes]
we had a good many strangers present & all
gave good Attention I spent the night at the farm
There has been 3 deaths in the Farmers ward in few days


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Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
274 mentions
Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
297 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
699 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Letter from Frederick W. Morgan, 9 February 1890

Prest Woodruff: Dear Brother: I am in reciept of the notification appointing me as a mission ary to the Southern States. In reply, I will say that I accept of the appointment, and will be ready by the time appointed. My circumstances financially are not as favorable as I could desire, but perhaps if I were to ask & obtain an extensinon of time, my condition might be worse when the time arrived to go. Your Brother Fredk W Morgan

Letter from Henry Moyle, 9 February 1890

Alpine . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I received your letter which came to hand, last wednesdays mail in which I am called as a Missionary to Great Britain. And in answer to the same I wish to say that I am willing to accept the call and if all is well by the help of the Lord I will indever to be prepared and re^a^dy for the same. Your Brother in the Gosple Henry Moyle. T. J. McCullough Bp

Letter from John Finley Merrell, 9 February 1890

Brigham City President Wifllford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your of Jan 30 to be ready to start for Great Brtain on June 4 1890 will say I will be on hand on that date if the Lord will I remain your brother in the Gospel J. F. Merrell Alvin Nichols Bp

Letter from Robert Gray Fraser Jr., 9 February 1890

Gunnison Sanpete County Utah Feb 9th 1890 Pres Woodruff Dear Bro In answer to the call I got I havent but very little means but the quorum has a greed to help me out so if it is posible for me to get the means I will be ready when by the time that is stated in the letter that I got

Letter from John Israel Prye, 9 February 1890

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother having received yours of jany, 30, 1890, to fill a Mission, to Great Britain, in answer to whitch I will say I have no Question to ask only to do that required of mee, by the Lord, and his servents. I will therefor by the help of the Lord be found ready by April 9th. Your Brother in the Gosple, John I. Prye. Elder John Prye is a worthy Brother Apollos G. Driggs Bishop O. K. [ Joseph Fielding Smith ]

Discourse 1890-02-09

PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF said he was thankful for the privi- lege of meeting with so many of the Latter-day Saints upon that oc- casion. He had not been able dur- ing the last four or five months to speak in public, having been af- flicted with a cold on his lungs. One very peculiar fact was that God the Creator of heaven and earth and the inhabitants thereof had always been an unpopular Be- ing with the world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ whenever taught by inspired men, in any age, had met with a great deal of op- position. Such had been the case in the whole history of the world, from the time of father Adam down to the present. Having shown from Bible history how nations as well as individuals had been pun- ished for disobedience to God and His commandments, President Woodruff continued: I say to all Israel and the whole world today that the God of heaven has set His hand to perform this work in which we are engaged. He has raised up a Prophet who organized this Church in fulfilment of the records of divine truth. Joseph Smith was no more popular in the generation in which he lived, neither are the Apostles nor the Latter-day Saints as a body now, than was Christ and His Apostles in their day. But the God of heaven has decreed certain things, and those decrees He will carry out, whether men believe or disbelieve. He will establish His Church, He will estab- lish His Zion, He will bring together His people. The people have to be gathered from all nations under heaven or the Bible will be unful- filled. We are passing through a very peculiar kind of history. We have had a peculiar history all the days of our lives—ever since we have been members of this Church at least; we shall probably continue to have until the coming of the Son of Man. No man can be godly, true, and a faithful witness of the Lord Jesus Christ without suffering perse- cution and meeting with opposition. This has been the history of the world in every age. Be faithful, do what is right, and let the consequences fol- low. Trust in the God of heaven. He is watching over you; the eyes of all the heavenly host are watch- ing over you as a people, and also over all the world. This nation and all nations under heaven will be held accountable for the deeds done in the body. We likewise shall be held accountable for our acts and the course which we pursue. We have a long future before us—a long eternity. We are here upon a mis- sion, but it is short compared with what lies before us on the other side of the vail. Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, keep His commandments, and all will be well. The Lord will neither forsake you nor His kingdom, but He will carry out all He has promised in the day and generation in which we live. Have faith in Him and in His promises. Your strength lies in the God of heaven. Whatever you want go to Him for it. Our prayers should ascend unto the ears of the Lord day and night to sustain His Church and work among this people. There may be some strangers here today. I will repeat to all such what Joseph Smith has taught us. He said, "If I was emperor of the world and had control over all the human family, I would sus- tain every man, woman and child in the enjoyment of their re- ligion, let it be what it may." Those have been our sentiments all the way through. No man, not even emperor or king, no republic, no government has a right to take away from any individual his agency in the enjoyment of his re- ligion. Why? Because men beget only their own children; they do not beget their subjects. They are responsible to God and not to men. Every man, woman, and child, all parties, sects, and denomi- nations under heaven have a right to their religion whatever it may be. We claim that same privilege as Latter-day Saints, we have done so all the way through, and expect to do so as long as we live. We have a right to believe in God, to believe in Prophets, in Apostles, in the Gos- pel which they taught, in the reve- lations of God and their fulfilment. I suppose we shall have an elec- tion tomorrow. Of course you know it is treason for an Apostle, for an Elder, or a Prophet to refer to poli- tics. That is the way it is looked upon by the world; but I would say to the Latter-day Saints—those of you who go to the polls—labor for peace; do not create any disturb- ance; and should any disturbance occur in this city, let it be with somebody else; do not let it be with the Latter-day Saints. We do not wish to take the rights of any man away, spiritually, temporally, politi- cally, or in any other capacity. Every man has a right to vote as he pleases, to pray as he pleases, to believe in God if he pleases, to renounce religion or to obey it; because he is responsible to God and not to his fellow-men with re- gard to his acts any further than he trespasses upon those around him. I say, God bless you. Let us be true and faithful. Zion will arise, the glory of God will rest upon her, the Kingdom of God will be established upon earth. We expect to obey the laws of our country until He comes whose right it is to reign. We do not expect to set up any kingdom not to turn aside from those laws at all. We profess to belong to the spiritual Kingdom of God which will be built up, and when Christ comes He will be the King, and will reign not only over America, but over all the earth. Great and mighty judgments await this generation and will overtake the people "as a thief in the night." Where are the governors, the judges, and the mobs that put to death Joseph Smith and others? They are in the Spirit world. Where are the governors who have taken part in the matters of "Mormonism?" A great measure of them are in the Spirit world. We shall all follow them and meet with others who have also gone before on the other side of the vail. When we come to judgment we shall be in another sphere. We shall be where the laws of the land wherein we dwell today do not have jurisdiction, and presi- dents, rulers, governors, with our- selves, will then have to give an account of the deeds done in the body. Let us be faithful to our country, to our God, to our religion, and to those principles which God has revealed to us, which we have re- ceived, and which we know to be true.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for A Monthly Donation ^Farmers Ward^ 10 Burton Bishop


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 9, 1890