Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1890

Journal Entry

March 14, 1890 ~ Friday

March 14, 1890
The Legislature closed last night I signed
7 Recommends I received 6 Letters I received
word that John A Quist Died in sweeden as a
Missionary, his wife called to know if she could
get his Body brought home I had an interview
with a Number of the Legislature I went to the farm 6 Mils


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Letter from Charles William Olson, 14 March 1890

Grantsville . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro: Your letter of notification has been received. I know of no obstacle at presant time to hinder me from starting to Sweden on my mission on the day appoin- ted, Apr. 30. Your Brother in the Gospel Chas. Olson. W G Collett Bishop O.K.

Letter from John W. F. Volker, 14 March 1890

Ogden, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City To the Brethren the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Brethren—I take great pleasure in presenting to you a copy of the Book of Mormon in the Dutch language which has just been published and also a copy of the Voice of Warning in Dutch which I had published last summer while on my mission. I rejoice greatly that I was an instrument in the hands of God in translating these works in my native language, and while I have the translations of the Doctrine & Covenants Key to Theology, Spencers Letters in manuscript form I hope that the time may come that these precious words may be published to my native people so that they can ^be^ read of the revelations of God in these the latter days. If you need any more of these books please let me know at the address below. May God bless you, is the sincere wish & prayer of your humble Brother in the Covenant J. W. F. Volker P.O Box 15 Ogden Will mail the Books to day

Letter from John A. Donaldson, 14 March 1890

Toronto, My dear Sir An article in one of our papers would lead the public to believe that polygamy may creep in amoung your people in the North West [Be] assured if this should be the case it will destroy their chances of success in settling there and I should be sorry [over]

Letter from Moses Foster Sweetser, 14 March 1890

BOSTON, MASS. . Hon. Wilford Woodruff, Salt-Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir:— I have forwarded to you the MS. relative to Utah, naturally with much fear lest the treatment of the burning religious questions may not be according to your taste. bBut in this matter we have to steer between Scyrilla ^Scylla^ and Charybodis, and endeavor to state the case without overreach ^prejudice^ to either side. You will observe that I have placed at the end of the chapter the entire account of the history and beliefs of the Mormon Church, which your historiographer send me in MS. Now, I do not suppose that you will be able personally to pay any attention to the matter of correcting this MS., but I hope that you can devolve it upon some gentleman who will do so efficiently and intelligently. I may add that I should like very much to have pictures of the Church buildings at Salt-Lake City, and the temples at Provo, Mantai and St. George. As I shall not need to use the MS. for some months, I beg that you will retain it, and pass it around among your bishops and clergy, and so King's Handbook of the United States. 700 Pages. 2,100 Pictures. 51 Colored Maps. Rich Binding. First issues, 100,000 copies, Ready in_1890 "Infinite riches in a little space." A very readable and instructive illus- trated description of each of the American States and Territories, with its famous buildings, scenery, products, and manu- factures, the most interesting features of its history and geography, commerce, and industries, and its peculiar characteristics as a community. A Noble National Work, for every American citizen.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Beef 1.15 to Emma $5 for Alice 6 15

Mar 14, 1890