Day in the Life

May 5, 1890

Journal Entry

May 05, 1890 ~ Monday

5th Monday Conference Met at 10 oclok Bishop Ferrill
Prayed. Then the Stake & wards were represented
By Brother Pitkin & the Bishops W Woodruff spoke 230 Minuts
Afternoon Reports Given And Authorities Presented

Afternoon SLorenzo Snow M W Merrill & W Woodruff
Addressed the Meeting And at the close of the Meeting I went
to the Temple & Had two persons Adopted to me
William Coperline Kilgare & Francis Sharp I spent
the night in the Temple


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201 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
699 mentions
Apostle, Family
Merrill, Marriner Wood
25 Sep 1832 - 6 Feb 1906
162 mentions


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Letter from Charles William Stayner, 5 May 1890
Washington D.C. . President Woodruff Dear Sir and Brother; Thinking you would like to hear from this field, I take the present opportunity of acquain- ting you with its status as far as I have been able to visit it. I arrived at St. John Kansas on Friday Evening May 25th the day before our Conference at that point. Prest Neibaur and Elder Banks met me at the station and accompanied me to the house of Bro George W. Baker, where we found Elder Richen of whom I wrote you before leaving home. I found that his health had somewhat improved since his removal from Nebraska to Kansas, ^(as well as a rest)^ and he was very desirous of persuing his labors, if his health would permit. So I con- cluded to make it a matter of prayer and to lay the subject before the Priesthood meeting to be held on the day after Conference. Meantime I remembered a family ^at Ottumwa^ in Iowa, who are related to my wife and also to Lucius Snow—a
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid to Sarah 5 to Mary $5 10
Discourse 1890-05-05
Pres Woodruff said the Savior declared that if we were not one we are none of his. This people ought to be one & be united. In the Celestial Kingdom we shall find no disunion. He spoke of his early experience in the church. He referred to the fervor of Oliver Cowdery at one time in bearing his testimony, but he went into darkness as did others who raised up their hands against the Prophet Joseph. He feared disunion in any part of the church. He explained the benefits & advantages of union & faithfulness. He re- ferred to the woeful condition of those who have once stood high in the church, & afterwards apostatised. He spoke with much anxiety for the welfare of the church & the unification of the people. He remarked that the signs of the times indicate the coming of the Son of Man & all the purposes of God will be accomplished in this dispensation. He related a dream in which he saw the Prophet Joseph in the Spirit world where he found all were in a hurry & on questioning him as to this condition of things, he was informed by the Prophet that the time was so short to make preparations for the coming of the Son of man that they must be in a hurry to get ready. He related some other interesting incidents arising in his experience. He exhorted the Saints to get the Spirit of the Lord, for without it we are not safe. He spoke of the love of the Priesthood that exists & should exist with the Saints & the impropriety of mourning over the death of a righteous man. He felt great anxiety for our young men many of whom were going astray. He hoped the Sisters would avail themselves of the blessings of the Association organized for their benefit.


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May 5, 1890