Day in the Life

May 31, 1890

Journal Entry

May 31, 1890 ~ Saturday

31. Keys crossed I attended the funeral of Barbary Moses the
wife of Julion Moses I spoke at the funeral also
quite a Number of others spok I returned home


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Moses, Julian
11 Apr 1810 - 12 Apr 1892

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Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Cash $5 Cash $2 7 [31] Cash for Blanch Music 6
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 31 May 1890
Provo City, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I hereby submit respectfully a report of the circuits made among the churchschools in the southern part of the territory. Sanpete & Sevier Stakes. Leaving Provo for Mt. Pleasant, via Nephi and Moroni, I arrived at Mt. Pleasant Wednesday, March 12, at 5 P.M Mt. [Plea]sant Seminary. March 13. Bro. Geo. Christensen, Principal, and Mrs. Clementine Erickson, Assistant & Lady-teacher. The Seminary occupies the upper story of the Coop-Store, two rooms, commodious, well lighted and ventilated, nicely furnished, separate entrances to each room, aby the liberality of Bro. Madsen, owner of the building, under very resonable conditions in regard to rent for premises and use of furniture. There can be over 200 student accommodated. 100 stu- dents have been in [atten]dance during the two terms the Seminary has been in existance thus far; they were classified in a IV and V Reader grade; forming, how- ever, for a start, only one department, called Preparatory. The members of the Local Board have taken a very active part in the development of their Seminary, realizing the necessity for their utmost efforts in counteracting the influence of the Presbyterian Academy at Mt. Pleasant. Bro. Christensen, the Principal, is one of our most prom- ising Churchschool-teachers, combining his labors in the Seminary with his appointments in the Sunday-


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May 31, 1890