Day in the Life

Jun 16, 1890

Journal Entry

June 16, 1890 ~ Monday

16 Keys crossed I met with Brother Cannon at the office this
Morning I signed ^57^ Recommends I re[cieve]d ^48^ Letters I wrote
one letter to Nellie I met with Z.C.M.I & Trombow


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Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
244 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions


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Letter from Lars Pehrson, 16 June 1890
Logan City Presdt W. Woodruff Salt Lake City in answering yours Letter I would say that I am willing to fill these mision, which I have ben call to do I am in the hand of the Lord and he have rigts to call my where he want. I Dont know of anny hinder of going for the present time to spake abaudt. only where I shall gett the nesesery mens to help my to the feel of Labor, but I trust the Lord would be my helper, that nothing would hinder my from going Lars Pehrson Isaac Smith Bishop 7th Wd Logan O. K. J. F. S.
Letter from William Budge, 16 June 1890
President W Woodruff Dear Bro Your letter in relation to the Woodruff Ward has been received and carefully considered. Its condition is bad, and has not been satisfactory for a long time while we hoped for an improvement. I have not been there of late, but my councillors have made frequent visits. We have made many efforts to harmonise the conflicting elements in the Ward — once disorganizing ^the Ward^ for a time with the exception of removing the Bishop — but occasional improvements did not continue. The location of the place is on the borders of the Gentiles, the population in and around the Town is largely made up of non-mormons, and the "Mormon" portion has in it a number of people of exceedingly poor quality. The good Saints (And there quite a few) are badly mixed with others who are careless, irreligious, and factious. The present Bishop cannot bring a
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.

Jun 16, 1890