Day in the Life

Jun 20, 1890

Journal Entry

June 20, 1890 ~ Friday

20. I signed 28 Recommends I received 14 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 public Letters staid at the farm 6 m[iles]


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Letter to David King Udall, 20 June 1890
President David K. Udall and Counselors, St. Johns Stake of Zion. Dear Brethren: Shortly after the last general conference in this city we had one or two interviews with John eB. Milner at which Brother Freeman and Brother Crosby of your stake were present; and we became satisfied from all that was said that there had been irregularities in the trial of the case of John B. Milner before the Bishop's court and before the High Council though we did not say so to him. Brother Freeman heard all the conversation and understood its purport, also Brother Crosby—if he is with you still. We have received the enclosed papers from John B. Milner concerning this case, and we send them to you for your considera- tion. John B. Milner is a very peculiar man; he has oddities of manner and in his way of doing business that create unfavorable impressions con- cerning his soundness; but we believe that underlying thiese peculiarities he has a strong love for the Gospel and values his connection with the people very highly. We do not know why he should have been published as excommunicated as this is not the general custom, and there are many cases more flagrant than his that are not published. We might not however have noticed the publication particularly had it not been that at the time of the appearance of the notice in our papers we had advices from President
Letter from George Teasdale, 20 June 1890
President Wilford Woodruff, and Council. Beloved Brethren: Yesterday I had to cable you for ten hundred pounds in conse- quence of the heavy drafts made upon us and a mistake in not drawing sufficient upon you for the fourth Company. I was afraid we would not have sufficient to pay Guion & Co for the sea passage of the June 28th Company and drafts were continually being presented and the money wanted and our emigration being at a stand still until the 2nd of August I saw we were going to be bankrupt, and so cabled for ten hundred, owed us by the office, to save us. Mssrs Guion & Co have just informed us that the Wyoming arrived safe in New York yesterday morning—the 19th—at 5 a.m. and that they left at 3 p.m. the same afternoon. We are rejoicing in the blessing of God attending our companies. In conversation with Mr. Ramsden I told him I did not know but what we would have to quit sending companies. He asked why? do not they go through all right? I replied yes but there is so much prejudice against us and the people of the States so stirred up by
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Dr to Cash 5


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Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.

Jun 20, 1890