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Day in the Life

Dec 1, 1890

Journal Entry

December 01, 1890 ~ Monday

Dec 1, 1890 I went to the Gordo we had 11 Recommends
I received 15 Letters I had interviews with
several persons among the Number James Brown
& John T Rowley of Meadow I wrote 4 Letter
1 to Phebe C Scholes, & Sarah. I attended the Theater


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Brown, James
16 mentions
1 mention
Scholes, Phebe Carter Saville
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
113 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
694 mentions

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Letter from Samuel P. Richards, 12 January 1890
Lynne, Ogden City Jan'y 12th 1890. President W. Woodruff, and Counselors. Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren, Bro. W. W Cluff called upon me day before yesterday and stated that it was your wish that I write and forward to you a clear and correct statement of my financial circumstances, income size of family and feelings as to per- forming any labors or call that might be imposed upon me by the proper authority. I forwarded a statement of this nature to yourselves, last spring in res- ponse to a call from the general clerk of the seventies, and my circumstances are very little changed from what they were
Circular to the Saints, 1 December 1890
SALT LAKE CITY, . TO ALL CONCERNED: With the growth of our Church school system, and of the Mutual Improve- ment Associations among our people, the need of text-books specially adapted for use under those organizations becomes very apparent. A short time ago Dr. J. E. Talmage was requested by us to prepare a work of medium size and scope on subjects of practical and scientific interest; and as a result he has written a small volume entitled "Domestic Science." A committee appointed to examine the book has heartily endorsed it as a worthy work representing an extended array of useful facts expressed in simple but forci- ble style, and imbued throughout with the spirit of our religion. We take pleasure in recommending the little work to our people as well adapted for use in our Church schools, also in the Mutual Improvement Associations, and for general reading. Your brethren in the gospel, WILFORD WOODRUFF, GEO. Q. CANNON, JOS. F. SMITH.
Letter from Andrew Kimball, 1 December 1890
Brigham City . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Since my last report to you by letter I have made a verbal report to President Smith. I will say that the Elders have been greatly tried of late by sickness Elders (Haslam now home.) George Collett and H. D. Barber have been sick for some time and later Elder Keller had an old head complaint come on him in con- nection with a severe bilious attack The first two are now out in the field rapidly regaining their strength traveling short distances and visiting friends that they might get good and solid before venturing out on any hard trips. Elder Keeler is improving but will have to lay over for a short time to get solid. I am thankful to be able to report them all doing so well. I have been kept posted almost d[a]ily, and have watched their condition carefully.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Majority of members of the Church attending General Conference sustain the Manifesto.
Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Dec 1, 1890