Circular to the Presidents of Stakes, Bishops, and All Whom May it Concern, 25 October 1890
Salt Lake City, Utah, .
To the Presidents of Stakes, Bishops, and all whom may it concern:
Dear Brethren and Sisters:
The all-absorbing motive that led the great majority of
the Latter-day Saints to forsake their homes in the various nations to dwell in these
mountain valleys was an ardent desire to serve the Lord more perfectly and with a better
understanding. In too many instances, in the course of the years, this grand object has
been lost sight of in the toil for daily existence, and less noble aims have largely taken
the place of the endeavor to learn the ways of the Lord and of the effort to walk in His
paths. This benumbing influence on our spiritual life is widely felt in our homes, and
more particularly affects our children, whose faith in the great latter-day work has not
been developed and strengthened by the experience which their elders have had in lands
beyond the borders of Zion. Nor does the training which our youth receive in the district
schools increase their feelings of devotion to God and love for His cause, for, as is well-
known, all teachings of a religious character are rigorously excluded from the studies
permitted in these institutions.
To lessen this great evil, and counteract the tendencies that grow out of a Godless
education, the Church schools of the Saints have been established. But while these accom-
plish great good, the sphere of their usefulness does not cover the entire field. There are
many places where Church schools cannot, at present, be established; and also many Saints
in those places where such schools exist who, for various reasons, cannot send their chil-
dren thereto. For these causes we have deemed it prudent to suggest to the various local
authorities other measures which, while not occupying the place of the Church schools, will
work on the same lines, and aid in the same work in which the Church educational institu-
tions are engaged.
We suggest that in every ward where a Church school is not established, that some
brother or sister or brethren and sisters well adapted for such a responsible position by their
intelligence and devotion, as well as their love for the young, be called, as on a mission, by
the Bishop, after consultation with the President of the Stake, to take charge of a school
wherein the first principles of the Gospel, Church history and kindred subjects shall be taught.
This school to meet for a short time each afternoon after the close of the district school, or for