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Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1890

Journal Entry

December 15, 1890 ~ Monday

15 I signed 12 Recommends I receivd 18 Letters
I wrote 3 pub[lic] letters I met with the Bishops on a
circular Letter of instruction Alberta Stake in Canida


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Letter from James S. Jensen, 15 December 1890
President, Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I write you in regard to the call of Brother Christian Madsen, to perform a Mission; Our Brother, Dr C. Madsen's Services in this community are —we consider—very valuable. we have found him in cases of Diptheria without an equal, but, he has shown—to our satisfaction, that he labour's as much for the Interest of the com- munity, as for himself, his charges are so moderate. But, in regard to his present circumstances, they are not such, as would Justify him in leaving his family, as he is considerably in- volved, through the purchase of a Residence here —the property of one of our brethren, who had to leave here, in consequence of being a Polygamist. Bro Madsen had to borrow the money to make the purchase, and that, by our Counsel and advice, as we were anxious to have him here, because of his Services as a Doctor,—he is our 'County Quarentine physcian.' We thought it proper to write you in regard to these matters—that you might understand his circumstances; Nevertheless, we do not Question the wisdom of the call, If in the view of the Presidency, Bro Madsen's services in the Vineyard are required. Praying the blessing of the Lord upon you, and his spirit to guide you. I remain your brother in the Gospel. James. S. Jensen, Bp.
Letter to George C. Unglish, 15 December 1890
George C. Unglish, Fairport, Monroe Co, N. Y. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 12th inst. is received, and in reply will say, that Asa Woodruff, of whom you speak, is not my brother. I had one cousin in Avon by the name of John, who was the son of Ozen Woodruff. I am visited by quite a number of Woodruffs from Connecticut, and there are several now living in this city besides my own family. I am the son of Aphek Woodruff of Avon: and was born the 1st of March, 1807. I had two brothers, Azmon and Thompson. Azmon was buried in this city a year ago last November, aged 87; Thompson is still living Daysville, Oswego County, New York. He is about 86 years of age. Yours respectfully Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Dec 15, 1890