Day in the Life

Jan 26, 1891

Journal Entry

January 26, 1891 ~ Monday

26 I went to the Gardo & Signed 51 Recommends
I received 23 Letters


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Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 26 January 1891

Logan Prest Willford Woodruff. Dear Brother The Name of Bro J. F. Wright has been submitted to and approoved by the High council of this stake as a suitable man for Bishop of the Hyrum Ward. To take the place of Bro S. M. Molen who is now in the presidency of the Stake. Bro Wright is now on the list of missionaries to leave in april next. But in looking the field over for a Bishop, the minds of the council and presidency have centered upon him and feel that he can accomplish a good work in that capacity. He now holds the office of a seventy. Has never entered into polygamy, but has been and is now a good faithful man in all other respects. Is a man of

Letter from Hugo Daniel Edward Peterson, 26 January 1891

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I have received your letter of the 12th inst., containing a call for me to go on a mission to Scandi- navia, and to leave here on the 12th of August next. In answer I will say that I am will- ing to go; and, after considering my circum- stances which I will here state to you, if you should find it wisdom for me to go, I shall cheerfully respond to the call. As I stated to Brother Geo. Reynolds when I received my first notification, I have as yet no home of my own; I have just got out of debt, mainly incurred by the emigration of some of my rela-

Letter from Lars Christian Rasmusson, 26 January 1891

Prest. W. Woodruff. S L City Dear Bro: Your Communication of Dec 26 naming the dait of the departure of a company of mission- aries to New Zeland is to hand and in reply to same, I will say that if no unforseen hindrances come in my way, I will be on hand to go with said company. Will you pleas notify me of the time I am to be in the City. Your Bro in the Gospel. L C Rasmussen. O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from Robert Fleming McLaws, 26 January 1891

Tooele President Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to yours of the 19th I will try and be on hand as requested. Robert Mc Laws Thomas Atkin Bp Tooele Ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel John Robinson, 26 January 1891

Payson . Hon. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother; I received your letter of the 14th isnt, in which was stated that my name was accepted as a Missionary to Great Britain, also asking my feelings. Can say I feel truly thankful to my Heavenly father that He has permitted me to be counted worthy to be called to such a great and good labour, with the help of God I will be ready at the appointed time and go; trusting him for assistance. Your Brother in the Gospel S. J. Robinson. Joseph S. James O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Griffin Humphrey, 26 January 1891

Presnt Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother on the 22nd I received a call from you to fill a mission to Great Britian I will say that if no un seen hinderence I will be on hand at the time stated yur Brother in the Gospel Thomas. G. Humphrey James. S. Jensen O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from William Hillyard, 26 January 1891

Smithfield UT President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. I received your answer that you wished me to report when I was prepared to go on a mission to Great Britain. I can say I will be ready by October 1891. If it is agreable with you. It was quite a suprize to me when I received my notification and I would ^like^ this long a time to prepare. and I will during this time make evry effort to prepare my self, and the suport of my family during my absent. Your Brother in the Gospel. William Hillyard O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Lot Smith, 26 January 1891

President W. Woodruff, Dear Brother Three weeks since 3 officers came from Flagstaff and arested me they were very much afraid least I should get into the house I told them they need have no fear as I had all ready sent the Sheriff word that I would meet him at any place he should mention for if I had broken any Law I was ignorant of it. Well they compelled me to go with them a mile & I went 100 they treated me verry kindly and when we neared Flagstaff one of the horses came near giving out on account of the snow they thought some one would have to take the best horse & go for another I said if anyone went I Insisted on going they said they did not care a Dam if I did go for I would be turned loose in 5 minutes after we arrived, but we got through with the tired one we went to the hotell & got dinner & then to the court room & in less than 3 minutes Richard was himself againe a number of the Prominent men of Flag? came & offered any assistance they could give. I thanked them and told them it was the other fellows that needed the help not Me. I told the Judge I wanted him to put me back where he found me he said it was just outside of the door I told them that was best for them as that would make nothing out for me. It seemed to turn out as a Joke and I took the traine for Canon Diablo and found Bro. Foutz & came home with him. Now a hotter? ^better^ matter: I told the People of this little place they never would prosper untill they raised their own bread, they have made Quite a start towards dooing it & I have a notion to build a grist mill what do you think of the idea & what kind would you Recomend. There are some things hapening I have thought I would tell you but think it would doe not good and if it will not it should not be told. We are getting along as well as some would expect. We have healthy food & Clothing thank the Lord & a good School & if there is anything lacking it seems on our part. May the God of Israel bless you and all the faithful of his people. Your Brother, Lot Smith

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid woman $3 Emma $2 5

Jan 26, 1891