Day in the Life

Jan 28, 1891

Journal Entry

January 28, 1891 ~ Wednesday

28. I signed 7 Recommends I received 9 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah

Keys crossed A crown The Presidency & Twelve Apostles spent the
day together Acknowledged any supposed
faults and united to gether in Harmony we conversed
on the question of the Manufacture of sugar


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Payson Silver Band, 28 January 1891

Payson Silver Band [end of sideways text] Payson Jan. 28th 1891 President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, We learn that George Done has been called to take a mission to Europe. And holding a very—very prominent position in our Silver Band, would ask kindly for his ^honorable^ release, (at any rate for 2 years) for several reasons. He is our Leader, Musical Director, and Teacher. In fact he is the staff of orur Band, He is now Teaching other Bands out side of our town and others will miss him very much. We cannot fill his position, as there are not any members capiable. Also, We have just purchased a new set of silver Instruments costing about $400.00 and are in dept for some Will you not please reflect at our situ- ation. The pepole of our Town thought it was the Band's duty to ask you for his release, and it was not nessary for to have a list of names assigned to this letter if required. Thare are members, that would plead for his release

Letter from Joseph D. Stark, 28 January 1891

Payson Wilford Woodruff S. L. City: Dear Bro. In answer to yours of 14th Inst, in regard to a mission to Great Britain, would say that I feel as though I would be a very weak instrument for a mission of this kind. If it is the will of the Lord and his Servants that I should labor in that part of the vineyard, I feel that it is my duty to respond to this call; providing that I can raise the necessary means to go with. Trusting this will prove satisfactory, I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel, Joseph D. Stark. Joseph S Tanner O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Ole Jensen, b. 1849, 28 January 1891

Ole Jensen Recd Jan. 30, 1891 Manti City Jan 28th 91 Prst: Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have just received a letter from Prof D. K. Udall with an inclosed Notification to go to Scandinavia on a Mission. I wast told last Spring in St. Johns by Lyman & Smith, but often i had mad all arangement and give up mi place of employment i goot notice that the mission wheron to i wast caled wast filed consequaintly i did not have a chance to go, mi circomstanses at that time wast better then they are now, however if i can get mi afairs aranges so i can go and feel that mi Family es allwright, i shall do mi best

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

on Disbursment page 38 48

Jan 28, 1891