Day in the Life

Jan 30, 1891

Journal Entry

January 30, 1891 ~ Friday

30 I signed 18 Recommends I received 10 Letters
We spent this day in Meeting the Presidency & Twelve
As the Leaders of the people we had to shoulder the
load & responsibility of the question of the Manufacture
of sugar It was voted unanimously that the Church
subscribe $50000 & help in the first payment

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Letter from Alma Henry West, 30 January 1891
Salt Lake City President Woodruff Dear Brother in the Geospel I Receieved my Apointment of the 5th and was somewhat suprised to think that I had been selected to fill a mission to the Southern States, —at the time of my apointment I was in the Employ of J. W. Young on the U. C. Ry Filling the Position of Sup of Bridges Buildings and Cor Shops—and it seamed to me that it would be imposable for me to get things in shape to Leave at the Apointed time but after Looking up the Afaires of the Company and also my own I finde that I can get ready
Letter from Ezra J. Howell, 30 January 1891
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your letter of the 21 inst I camn say I am very desirous of filling the mission ato which I have been appointed but as you will learn by the inclosed certificate I am not able at present to say when my health will permit me to go but trusting in the Lord that I may soon be restored to my former health so that I may fulfill the mission to which I have been called I remain your humble brother in the Gospel of Christ Ezra. J. Howell the Above Statement is Correck John Stock Bishop Not until his health is good could he be expected, to go on a mission. May he soon recover from his afflictions. Let him have ample time, and report when ready. J F. S.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid $25 Paid Georg Sharman 1876 $

Jan 30, 1891