Day in the Life

Feb 18, 1891

Journal Entry

February 18, 1891 ~ Wednesday

18 I signed 5 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I Met with the Bank board & with several other
Parties Carter & Co on the valley House


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Letter to John Isaac Hart, 18 February 1891

John I. Hart, Deming, N. M Dear Brother: Your letter of 10th inst. is received and noted. I am sorry for your unfor- tunate circumstances and send you Twenty dollars to relieve your present necessities. I think it exceedingly unwise for you to return here at present, for reasons you may learn hereafter. In reference to those letters, inas- much as you profess willingness to obey my counsel, your best plan will be to send them immediately to James Jack. Box B, Salt Lake City, where they can be considered and the matter properly disposed of. Respectfully Your Brother. W. Woodruff [end of sideways text]

Letter from Hugh Jenne Cannon, 18 February 1891

President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: I received a notice yesterday calling me to go as a missionary to Germany and Switzerland. In reply I will say that I know of nothing that will prevent my going, and I am ready at any time to do whatever called upon by the authorities of the Church. Your Bro., etc., Hugh J. Cannon. H. F. Burton Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from David Wilcken, 18 February 1891

President Wilford Woodouff Dear Brother In answer to your call as a Missionary to Switzerland and Germany I except with mutch pleasure; and I do not know of any thing that will prevent my going on the date appointed; and will take mutch pleasure in answering to any call that is made of me by the authoritys Your Brother David Wilcken Joseph Warburten Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 18 February 1891

Rexburg, Idaho, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: On the 14th and 15th insts. we held the Quarterly Conference, of this Stake at Louisville. On account of the severe weather and an epidemic of sickness that is among the people, the attendence was limited. On Saturday the 13th ult. the Primary and Relief Societies held their conferences. They are in good condition, as are also the Young Mens, and Young Ladies Assns of the Stake. There were present of the Stake Presidency Bro. Steele and myself, also most of the Bishops and leading brethren from the South side of the river. An excellent spirit prevailed and the people felt repaid for attending. Your brother in the Gospel, T. E. Ricks

Letter from G. F. Lewis, 18 February 1891

LILLY DALE, CHAUTAUQUA CO., N. Y., Sir Slowly but surely prejudice is passing away Ere long a Mormon will have the same right to enjoy his faith that a Methodist or Spiritualist has Pleas hav enclosed published in your papers and send me a copies Respectfully G. F. Lewis

Feb 18, 1891