Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1891

Journal Entry

March 04, 1891 ~ Wednesday

4. I was far more comfortable through the day
Brother G. Q. Cannon called in the Morning & S. B. Young
in the Afternoon & Charley Wilken Daily


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2287 mentions
Young, Seymour Bicknell
8 Oct 1837 - 15 Dec 1924

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Letter from Francis Singer and Thomas Lowry, 4 March 1891
Santa Fe' . Mr. President of Mormon Society Honourable President We the undersigned beleiving mormonism the only truthful & brotherly religion existing, we beg you to favour us with a copy of its doctrines & precepts & personal conditiones, in order that we may become members of the true fold. Hopeing that you will kindly favour us with a speedy reply, we have the honour dear Mr. President to inscribe ourselves. Francis Singer Thomas Lawry. Address: Calle Comercio 327. Santa Fe' Republica Argentina.
Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 4 March 1891
Logan Prest Wilford Woodruff G. Q. Cannon J. F. Smith Dear Brethern With one exception, Bro Henry William Ballard of Logan third Ward. was unanimously reccomended for Bishop of Benson Ward of this stake, and after carefully consid- ering the case of sister Sophia Christine Arntsen, who had been cut off from the Church for adultry, and applies for rebaptism, unanimously reccomend that her request be granted. Your Brethern Orson Smith S. M. Molen Isaac Smith

Mar 4, 1891