Day in the Life

Mar 7, 1891

Journal Entry

March 07, 1891 ~ Saturday

7. Sunday I spent the day reading

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Letter from George Plant Ward Jr., 7 March 1891
IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO, Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro I was called to a mission April 17 [18]90 to the Northern States, and beg to inform you, that I am now prepared to take the mission. And would be pleased to here from you at an early date, as my buisness is farming I am your Bro in the Gosple G. P. Ward James E. Steele 2 Con to T. E. Ricks of The Bannok State of Zion
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Mar 7, 1891