Day in the Life

Mar 19, 1891

Journal Entry

March 19, 1891 ~ Thursday

March 19, 1891
I signed ^11^ Recommends I received 180 Letters I signed
11 Segned Letters to individuals on the sugar question
I had Meetings with Brother McDonald the presidents
of 70, with the Twelve & many others it was a vary
busy day

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Letter from Jedediah Grant Lambert, 19 March 1891
Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: I recd a notice from you of my name being handed in & accepted as a mission- ary to the Northern States, but as I had talked with Bro. Geo. Reynolds & acquain- ted him of my circumstances generally just before Christmas last & that he gave me to understand that it would be allright for me to get ready to go on my mission by the coming Fall, I have since been working to that end. I accept of the call &
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid Bennet $10.50 Josephine $4 14 50


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Mar 19, 1891