Day in the Life

Mar 21, 1891

Journal Entry

March 21, 1891 ~ Saturday

21. I spent the day at the farm choreing


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Letter from Thomas R. Cutler, 21 March 1891
Lehi City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I would respectfully suggest that Bro Hyrum Kirkham, one of 4 young men whose names were sent from England, as being suitable to go there on missions, & who all cherefully responded as being willing to go, be released for a few months for the following reasons. His father in law Bro William Wanlass has just died leaving a wife who has been bedfast with a cancer in the face & who cannot possibly recover & is a great care on the family left. Nearly her sole dependence in the male line is Bro Hyrum, & if he now goes it will be a great hardship, but as soon as Bro James Evans returns who is now the Prest of the Sheffield Conference & who also is a son in law Bro Hyrum could go in peace. Bro F Armstrong who is a friend to the family & was here at the funeral today will be
Telegram to John Taylor, 21 March 1881
From St George Received at SALT LAKE at 4:20 PM To Prest Taylor, We leave in the morning for Parawan shall attend conference there, company consists of myself, B. Young, Lyman, Smith and Thomas J. Jones, expect to reach Salt Lake Wednesday thirtieth- all well. W Woodruff 32 collect C Lines to all Principal Points in Utah. [sideways text] READ THE NOTICE AT THE TOP. [end sideways text]


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Mar 21, 1891