Day in the Life

May 8, 1891

Journal Entry

May 08, 1891 ~ Friday

May 8, 1891
I signed 34 Recommends I received 15 Letters
I spent a busy day

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Letter from William A. Barr, 8 May 1891
Hutchinson, Kan., The Eternal God is A God of Progression He And the God of the Earth are Somewhat Different I am A Morman So Far as the Morman Doctrin goes I Believe that the Morman church or Faith is Like John the Babtis only A Fore Runer of the Second Coming of Christe the Bride the Lams wife I believe that Polities And the church and Polyties are two Different things The one Axcepted of God for well Doing whilest the other has bin made A Ruler over Sin for coming Short of the Narrow way The old world was church And State or A House Devided Against Self And therifore had an End And Great was the fall
Letter from Joseph John Daynes, 8 May 1891
Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Can you please set an hour when Brother Stephens and myself can have an interview with you regarding some improvements being made on the Tabernacle Organ? There has already been considerable correspondence with Eastern firms, and we would like to talk with you and obtain your views on the matter. Awaiting your convenience, I am Your Brother in the Gospel, Jos. J. Daynes P. S.—Please send word to John Daynes' Music Store, 66 Main St., or address through Post Office. J. J. D.
Business/Financial - Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce Invitation, 1891
Friday evening . Grand March at Nine O'clock In honor of the opening of THE New Chamber of Commerce.


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 8, 1891