Day in the Life

May 27, 1891

Journal Entry

May 27, 1891 ~ Wednesday

27 I signed 29 Recommends. I received 14 Letters I had
an interview with Rev. Dr Bevan from

I am suffering vary much with the Asthma cannot sleep


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Letter from James McIntosh Wardrop, 27 May 1891

Salt Lake City Utah President Bro Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I received your call dated May 21st to hand. To take a mission to the Northern States. I feel thankfull that my standing as a member of the Church, that I have been co^u^nted worthy the call. I will endeavor to be ready to start June 15 or 20, or as soon before as I can if necessary. I assure you it is a new faze of life. from your humble servant of the Lord Respectifully, Jas. M. Wardrop Approved H B Clawson Bishop Twelfth Ward. Elder James M Wardrop, would prefer to go to Scotland if it would meet the approval of the First Presidency, still he wishes to leave the matter entirely in their hands H B Clawson Bishop

Letter from Charles L. Olsen, 27 May 1891

Payson, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake, Dear Brother, Yours of the 25th inst. received, calling me as a missionary, and requesting me to state my feelings regarding same. Will say my pecuniary situation was briefly stated in my reply to Pres. Gates and will not tire you with a re-iteration of same, but will here only state that, though fi- nancially in an embarrassing con- dition at present, with a family of small children (four in number alive, the oldest 7 1/2, the youngest 1 1/2 years old,) still I feel that the Lord is able to open up ways and provide means least thought of by weak mortals, and, relying on His omnipotent providence, I hope all can be placed in shape that I can leave honorably. In spirit I feel, at present, having been called from the right source, to obey, and, notwithstanding I keenly realize my own weaknesses and imperfections as a man for such labor, yet I feel to go, and

Letter from Thomas Jolley, 27 May 1891

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother; Your letter of 21st inst. Notifying me that I have been selected to fill a mission to the Northern States, and requesting me to say when it will be most convenient for me to start &c, it is received and contents examined with much surprise I assure you. however after duly consid- ering the matter and the circumstances of my family I believe it my duty to respond and will make every effort to be ready to leave Salt Lake City by Jan 5th 1892 but to make the date earlier than that would be to disapoint my creditors and Probably distress my family if this reply be satisfactory to you, kindly advise me as to the exact date that I will be expected to leave Your Brother in the Gospel Thomas Jolley L. L. Hatch Bp We will have to accept. the date fixed. J. F. S.

Letter from William A. Walker, 27 May 1891

Lewisville, Bingham Co., Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother having been instructed by Geo. Renolds to write you when I would be ready to go on a Mission I do so. Will say that I expect to sell out my Store June the 1 1891 if the sale is made I shall be ready to go, if you would let me know when a company was going Yours Truly William A. Walker

Letter from F. Olsen, 27 May 1891

Ferron President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro, After So long of time I Shall endevor to answer your favor of May 12th. Should have Writen sooner but have been waiting to try and find out whether any of our people were dissatis- -fied with Bro. Stayner, and acording to what I can find out there is none of our people but what are Satisfied if we get the land. hence we have no charge to perfer [proffer] against Bro. Stayner. You ask for a Statement of the whole affair which I will endevor to give, and which is as followes: There is a School Section Joining our town which we are desirious of obtaining, to extend our town on, as the other land joining our town. (for over

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

paid for ; , Cash $100 125


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 27, 1891