Day in the Life

May 31, 1891

Journal Entry

May 31, 1891 ~ Sunday

31. Sunday I Attended the yound Mens Conference
in the Tabernacle & spoke a short time but was quite
weak & not able to speak


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Discourse 1891-05-31

PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF said the Primary, the Sabbath school, and the Mutual Improvement Associa- tion were the three institutions estab- lished in these mountain valleys to prepare and qualify the rising genera- tion for their labors for time and eter- nity. The responsibility resting upon our children was very great; their position in this respect was, in a great measure, different from the rest of the world. They had been gathered here to the mountains of Israel and become associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their fathers had been called upon during the generation that had passed and gone to preach the Gospel to the inhabitants of the earth; and the chil- dren were required to follow in their footsteps. The Elders who had gone abroad to proclaim that Gospel had been called largely from the mutual improvement associations. He felt that they were engaged in a great cause, and would say to the teachers in these organizations, male and female, "You will be blessed for what you have done." Let them not be discouraged or weary in well doing. As they sow- ed so would they reap. He had watched the progress of these institu- tions almost from their commence- ment, and the Lord would assuredly reward those who labored in them. We had been informed by revelation that whatever knowledge a man ob- tained by his diligence and persever- ance here in the flesh would remain with him in the morning of the resur- rection. It would pay any man or woman to treasure up wisdom and un- derstanding and do all the good he or she could here; for we were on a mis- sion. He prayed that all those who were engaged in this excellent cause would continue in their efforts, and seek to induce others to become associated with them. He besought them to labor while the day lasts, for "the night cometh when no man can work."

Letter from Henry Harker, 31 May 1891

Brother Woodruff S L City yours of the 21 inst at Hand inqurireing of me concerning a mition to the SuNorthern states and I would say in regard to the mition that I am so situated in the sheep industry that if I Left them just now I would be a making a great sacrifyse to myself and family but if you wish me to go Please send me word or if you wish me to go this fall

Letter from John P. Johnson, 31 May 1891

Richmond President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your notice of Appointment as a Missionary to Scandinavia, date May 21 is at hand, and in regard my feelings to this call it is all right, and and if I can get the money Which I Understand is necessary in order to fulfil that call. I shal be Willing to go, but if I can not get the ready means, I shal not be ther at the date specific. Your Brother in the Gospel John P. Johnson Wm L Skidmore Bp. If he does not get the means to come at the time appointed he should let us know when he does get the means. J. F. S.

Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 31 May 1891

Logan Prest Wilford Woodruff and Counselors Dear Brothern Feeling that it would be for the best good of the residents of Old Paradise West Millville and Greenville, "which now comprise three districts, attached to Paradise, Millville and the Logan 5th Ward respectively." To be organized into Wards we therefore forward the reccomendations of the High Council of H. W. Jackson for Bp of Old Paradise, Oscar Dunn or Julius Johnson for Bp. of West Millville, and N. W. Crookston for Bp ^of^ Greenville, with our endorsement. Your Brethern Orson Smith S. M. Molen Isaac Smith Stake Presidency

Discourse 1891-05-31

PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF said the Primary, the Sabbath school, and the Mutual Improvement Associa- tion were the three institutions estab- lished in these mountain valleys to prepare and qualify the rising genera- tion for their labors for time and eter- nity. The responsibility resting upon our children was very great; their position in this respect was, in a great measure, different from the rest of the world. They had been gathered here to the mountains of Israel and become associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their fathers had been called upon during the generation that had passed and gone to preach the Gospel to the inhabitants of the earth; and the chil- dren were required to follow in their footsteps. The Elders who had gone abroad to proclaim that Gospel had been called largely from the mutual improvement associations. He felt that they were engaged in a great cause, and would say to the teachers in these organizations, male and female, "You will be blessed for what you have done." Let them not be discouraged or weary in well doing. As they sow- ed so would they reap. [Galatians 6:9] He had watched the progress of these institu- tions almost from their commence- ment, and the Lord would assuredly reward those who labored in them. We had been informed by revelation that whatever knowledge a man ob- tained by his diligence and persever- ance here in the flesh would remain with him in the morning of the resur- rection. It would pay any man or woman to treasure up wisdom and un- derstanding and do all the good he or she could here; for we were on a mis- sion. He prayed that all those who were engaged in this excellent cause would continue in their efforts, and seek to induce others to become associated with them. He besought them to labor while the day lasts, for "the night cometh when no man can work." [John 9:4]


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 31, 1891