Letter from Charles L. Olsen, 3 June 1891
Payson, Utah,
Prest. Wilford Woodruff,
Salt Lake,
Dear Brother,
I am in receipt of a communication from
Sec. Geo. Reynolds, on behalf of ^the^ Missionary
Committee of the Apostles saying, with refer-
ence to my being called on a mission and re-
garding my present pecuniary condition,
they do not wish me to make too great a sac-
rifice to answer to said call, and that "they are
entirely willing that I should take the time I feel
necessary to straighten up my affairs." In
answer will say I am thankful for the
offer, but I reason thus: The call or requirement
is from the Lord, through proper authority;
It is my business to respond, and the
Lord's business to help me so I can per-
form what He has required of me.
On receiving the Call, I set about at once
to arrange my affairs to this end, "relying on
His omnipotent Providence," as stated in
my former letter, and, though my finan-
cial condition is, at present, embarrassing,
yet I have hope and faith that all "can
be placed in such shape that I can
leave honorably."
I have, therefore, concluded to report
to you that, God being my Helper and,
"should there be no reasonable obstacles