Day in the Life

Jun 8, 1891

Journal Entry

June 08, 1891 ~ Monday

8 I signed 53 Recommends I received 21 Letters
I wrote 1 Letter to Wm Thompson & 1 public


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Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions

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Letter from Joseph Hoskin Salisbury, 8 June 1891

Wellsville Pres. Woodruff. Dear Bro: The day procedeing the date of your notification I meet with a serious accident which unable's me to meet with the call at present On going to watter my horses the one I was rideing stumbled and fell apon me and injured my leg. But by an examantion of the doctor, He thinks there is no bones broken but is badly sprained in the ankle. As soon as I am able to get around I will report.

Letter from Joseph Keller Jr., 8 June 1891

Logan, . Brother Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother! Your letter of June 4th was received Saturday; and I can say that I feel perfectly willing to respond to the call made upon me. But I am obliged to make you acquinted with my circumstances, under which I am in need of your counnsel and

Letter from Newel Palmer, 8 June 1891

Orderville Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I am readdy and on hand too fullfill the mission which you have apointed me, & will be in Salt Lake City reddy too start, on the 10th of July. If there is nothing to happans to prevent it. Your brother in the ghospel. Newel. Palmer. Bro Palmer is quite willing to preform the missiom assigned him & in circumstances to do so. he is young & has had no experience in that line H. W. Esplin Bishop Orderville ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel Weston, 8 June 1891

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

to Josephine $3 Emma $5 Store $5 13 Cash to Emma $10, Josephine 3 13


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

Jun 8, 1891