Day in the Life

Jan 7, 1892

Journal Entry

January 07, 1892 ~ Thursday

7. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I went to the office I wrote 2 letters to Wm Atkins
& Mary & Sarah we had a snow storm 6 mils


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Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
168 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions


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Letter to William Atkin and Rachel Thompson Atkin, 7 January 1892

Rd answered Jan 30th [18]92 [end sideways text] PRESIDENT'S OFFICE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, P. O. BOX B. Salt Lake City, U. T. Jan 7 1892 Brother & Sister Atkin Dear friends I have Received your letter of the 2nd And read it with much interest I am just getting up from Another attack of the Billious cholic which has lasted near a month it is the third attacked I have had during the past year And thy was all vary hard upon me John Sharp died vary sudden in the midst of my sickness we have had a great many Death of Aged people During the past year And I feel that the Lord has preserved me in a Wonderful manner

Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 7 January 1892

SALT LAKE CITY, U. T. President J. D. T. McAllister Dear Brother This is to notify you that I recommend Wm Atkin & Wife to receive their 2d Annointing in the Temple of the Lord As I Consider them Worthy. I remain Your Brother Wilford Woodruff J. D. T. McAllister's Handwriting Yes JDT McA

Letter from Horton David Haight, 7 January 1892

Oakley . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. In erecting our Stake Academy our water purchas & water suits. We find the finances of the people are very low. And still some considerable indebitness on the Academy Building, we find we could use some Labor tithing to the amount of $22680 also 40 Tons Hay & 1 Ton Potatoes If you would be willing to allow us these amounts which can be drawn here at the Offices ait would

Letter from John Johnson, 7 January 1892

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Your favor of the 4th inst. to hand, and in answer will say that I am willing to respond to the Call, as a Missionary to Scandinavia; and if nothing unforseen transpires I will be ready to report as desired on May 27 [18]92. Your Brother in the Gospel John Johnson A. C. J. Larsen Bp. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Jolley, 7 January 1892

Recd 9 [Jan. 1892] [end of sideways text] Franklin Jan 7th 1892 President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake. Dear Brother, I Just got word from Bro Geo. C. Parkinson in regard to my mission to the Northren States I am very sory that I am not able to respond to the call. my Circumstances will not Permit me I have tried very hard to arrange matters to get away this winter but could not get work to [Nens] settle up with my creditors I told Brother Parkinson in November that it would bee Impossiable for me to go but I still consider

Circular to the public, 7 January 1892

SALT LAKE CITY. . On the occasion of the retirement of Elder Karl G. Maeser, D.L.D., from his active labors as an instructor and a prin- cipal of our church schools, to devote his full time and attention to the duties of his exalted position as General Superin- tendent of the Church school system, we, the undersigned, having enjoyed for many years the privilege of students, and later, the honors of associate teachers under his immediate tuition and direc- tion do seek to express, though of neces- sity in a feeble and an inadequate man- ner, the esteem and the honor with which Dr. Maeser and his labors are regarded by us. This we do with the approval and co-operation of the General Board of Education of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dr. Maeser is in truth the Pioneer Teacher in the Church schools of our people, and since beginning his labors here he has held a foremost place among the educators of Utah. During the six- teen years of his most efficient and di- vinely inspired principalship, the Brig- ham Young academy of Provo has ad- vanced from the position of a lower grade school to that of an academy in fact, with worthy graduates counted by hundreds and present and former students num- bering thousands. We feel that we, in common with the youth of our people, owe to Brother Maeser an incalcuable debt of gratitude for his precepts and example, and his whole souled devotion in the cause of education amongst us. Our relations with him as our senior teacher, principal, brother and friend have been of the most pleasant nature and our affection for him is that of sons, for a loving parent. While we feel that his removal from the field of active teaching is a loss, we find consolement in the know- ledge that the scope of his in- valuable labors is greatly expanded, and we rejoice that our relations with him will not be entirely severed, for in his capacity as General Superintendent of Church Schools we shall still regard him as a counselor and a director of our labors. Our earnest prayers will be that health, peace and success may attend him in his work of love for the youth of Zion, and that the All-wise Father may long spare his life to us and our people. In behalf of the General Board of Edu- cation. WILFORD WOODRUFF, Psesident, GEORGE REYNOLDS, Secretary, J. E. TALMAGE, D.S.D., WILLARD DONE, D.B., JOSEPH NELSON, J. J. WALTON, RICHARD HAAG.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Bedroom set $25 horse hay 5.50 30 50

Jan 7, 1892