Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1892

Journal Entry

January 20, 1892 ~ Wednesday

Jan 20. Our council Met at 11 oclok & held
till one oclok & decided & required Brother
Pack to make An Acknowledgement to the
People of the Island which He agreed to do

A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Wm EH Thomps we met with Bank
Board And met with a company from Mexico


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Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions


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Letter from John Holmes, 20 January 1892

Wilson Prs. Wilford Woodruff Dear brother i received your notefacitaion that i was celected as one to go to great britton Jan 4 i had left home for a three ^monts^ mishon in the county all beeing well i shall be on hand acording to your requist but i must say as i did to the Presedents of the corum when i was consulted in the matter that i am not strong as i would like to be my longs [lungs] is very weak I have ad an atact of the grip in the faul but by the blessing of god i am willing to labor in the cause of truth Your Brother in the Gospel John Holmes John Rackham Bishop [sideways text] O.K. I guess J. F. S. [end of sideways text]

Letter from A. P. Forsgren, 20 January 1892

Brigham City, Dear Brotheren of the first Presidency in answer to youres of Jan 15th 1892 I can say that it is perfictly agreable to my fealings but I am som what involved in dept at presant & thear is eight of us in Famely that Depends on my Single hand labore for support as I have no other incom or dependency but I can say that I am wiling with the help of the Lord to labor to that end in the near future that I may fill the mission. I am happy to remain your Brother in the Gosp le of Christ, A. P. Forsgren See over.

Letter from George William Lindquist, 20 January 1892

Logan Cache Co. . First Presidency of ^the^ Church of Jesus Christ. Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren, Your letter of inquiry, I recieved on the 17 Inst. asking my syrcumstancis as to a mission. I an thankful that I am considerd worthy of such a calling. And I will now tell my syrcumstancis and feelings I have been marrid one year little over, last Summer I built a House, and am in debt on the same about Two hundred Dollars. my wages is only one dollar and a half a day and it is hard to get even with the World. We have one Child, and this is about how I stand. My Father is at present in rather strait Syrcumstancis my older Brother the same So I could at present get but little help from them, and it looks as though it would be rather hard to go just at present. I believe if all goes well, if I could be excused untill about next Fall, I could be better prepaired and leave with better feelings and in better condition. So my Family would not be so liable to want, and I could get a little to help me out, while there. Yet I wish to do as those in

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

For services on saving bank loan 5

Jan 20, 1892